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Everything posted by N15MNO-Daron

  1. Sorry if this posting is a month old.. Im also now in position to buy some carbon goodies.. was thinking about a Seibon TS2 CF bonnet or an OEM CF version.. only thing is cant find any photos of them installed.. got a gun metal Z too, not sure if it will look good.
  2. The latest delivery date given to us is 28th November. Don't wory, you will be among the first to know when they arrive and when we have tested them Still waiting for the results... ive been holding off buying a spacer/aftermarket plenum for weeks now to hear some confirmed reports of this Cosworth part being as good as the manufacturers state - +25HP Be honest..im bit peeped off by all these outrageous claims that manufacturers make about their products.. hence the importance of an independent (like TDi) testing the validity of their claims on one of our cars. Bottom line is we trust your test results hell of a lot more than the manufacturer's!
  3. Looked at that website withthe photos.. and found the uk distributors only to phone them up and they said they dont deal with them.
  4. Or 30 mins if you do it wrong first time around PS the first attempt was in near storm weather conditions and at night without much street lighting.. was one the worst ideas ever!
  5. Thats a big help..cheers! Some other guys on here mentioned that i had to take wheels off completely
  6. Whats the best way to get to the front side lights?.. i cant seem to get to them.
  7. Ok try removing the counter balance first if u like.. but i think thats a waste of time...i did that already and it wasnt enough.. if the boot is dropping then u probably need uprated dampers.. this topic has been covered 4 times in the last 2 weeks.. PM bigphil for ESR uprated dampers £100.. me and Pingu2 just fitted ours (as we both have nismo spoilers) and its the only solution. Bigphil usually gets them to u next day delivery so its quick too and about 15 mins fitting time.
  8. Birmingham? Lovely long straight roads (M6/M1) Ummm i didnt realise Brimingham was within the m25
  9. What area did u have in mind then? il go with anything as long as there's a place to eat/drink and nice stretch of road nearby
  10. Was hoping to make this Bluewater location a monthly meet.. we'll see what support we get in the new yr
  11. N15MNO-Daron

    Which wheels

    Only problem was that I wanted to go out posing in it even more
  12. Send me your email in PM and il send u all the photos i took today But i guess the photos il send u will be wrong cos we fit them incorrectly.. or as Jeremy stated.. mainly me got it wrong DOH!!
  13. I totally deny any knowledge of showing Jeremy how to fit them... lol!!
  14. N15MNO-Daron

    Which wheels

    +1 for that enquiry. Also...I recall Cavey mentioning his 20's keep triggering his traction control.. is there an issue there?
  15. oh..damn.. is the rain getting in? i think mines acceptable enough for me and im just glad it stays up now. If u need an extra pair of hands to adjust yours.. just come round to the petrol station next to my place after work and il help out.
  16. Hi.. Are you sure u cant get it cheaper from uk? (im assuming nearly half the £18 price tag is postage from USA?) I will check myself to see if i can source it here..if not then yeah add me to the list of orders. Its raining heavily here this morning.. need to wait till it clears till i can go outside to take photo..few hrs maybe
  17. Hi..thx for the dimensions.. sounds good to me. .. sorry abt delay on photos..my boss unexpectedly showed up today.. really annoying - il get some tmr The struts are definately not pricy.. and they really work.. Me and Pingu2 are v happy with them. If u try to source them elsewhere (which i did for ages already last year) youll find that theyre more expensive and dont fit right. Bigphils struts are the best priced and the closest to perfection. The front and rear struts are completely different.. the fronts are tiny and rears are huge, hence the price difference.. also that price for the front struts are mentioned are from USA..got them last yr..but better to save the hassle i experienced and get them from UK!
  18. The ESR dampers are uprated..much stronger than oem and their specifically for the top heavy boots that have spoilers (£100).. if u havent got a heavy spoiler im not sure it much use and it might knock u out when u open it - just joking of course.. if u got weak Nissan struts then u shud upgrade for safety reasons the front are held up regular bonnet dampers from ebay..they look superb too ..think they cost about £25.. any will do, theyre all the same. il post some photos today at lunch if u want?
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