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Everything posted by M350ZB

  1. Chillis not to far(envy south), drop them a pm
  2. A few bits i chucked up on ebay a few days ago, sold and now are back up for grabs from who i sold too http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-REAR- ... 7C294%3A50 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-POWER ... 7C294%3A50 looking to make a nice profit too
  3. never heard of anyone or any known issues with the windows bud, sorry i cant help, hope someone comes along soon
  4. +1 Are you talking about the battery powered ones or the nitro ones? If its the nitro noisy ones ill dig mine out the garage and get it going again Battery. Nitro sucks for drifting, not enough throttle control I would say we should have a drifting comp, but its actually quite hard and not sure anyone would pic it up good enough in a day, not for Touge drift battles anway But we can have a bash with them Defo mate, looking to be a good day
  5. M350ZB

    First cheap mods?

    i thin kthe l.e.d rear lights totally make the rear look different a mus mod, but maybe not in your case ian as you have other things, but defo a must at some point
  6. , o right, will have to defo check these competions out next ime
  7. , sell my oem, get a nismo and pocket jsut over £30, :lol:
  8. Cool, was it free to enter then or did you have to enter it ?
  9. +1, that would be cool, with other members in the back-ground
  10. It is Pattos car, he won the show & shine at JTS Never knew that, what he win ?, nice looking zed mind
  11. Im not intentionally trying to put people off sourcing their own (I did it after all) but the hassle I had getting them shipped and getting the right sizes I just think the UK sellers are your best bet If anyone does want to take a look or test some out then Ill have a fair bit of it with me at Brands. , will get in touch with chilli me thinks
  12. Will talk to you over PM, dont want to thread-jack. , sorry all Post whore :lol: you wont be saying that when your like lets have a go
  13. £108 , how much is a genuine nismo one these days
  14. think ill wait for envy to get back
  15. for 2K you can get some serious nice wheels bud
  16. yeh i see what you mean and all this work because i changed my indicator bulbs to silver O the wonders of how the modding begind , love it and do it do it do it
  17. Not sure what a current price would be as I bought mine last year. Had to get mine from the states as I didnt realise anyone in the UK was selling them at the time. Gaz or the Chilli's can quote you a nice price Im sure. Ill try and dig out my measurements that I took but from memory you will need 3 different sizes if you want to cover all the cables including the tiny ones. Ill bring some along with me on Sunday to Modified Live if anyone wants to test some out or measure it up how much were they from the US? if ya dont mind tellin us +1
  18. +2, Very very good price, if i could i would snap these up
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