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Everything posted by M350ZB

  1. Whats that location like bud, any probs for lowered Zed's, would make for a great photo shoot
  2. Great news to hear his ever getting better , and the guys at C&BM are top lads, done all the work to my zed
  3. some great pics, and them wheels really do set it off bud, utter ness !!!!!!!
  4. Im assuming that was a typo Exhaust looks and sounds Whoops
  5. cool bud, ill have a ganders
  6. What Groundwire kit with tips/gold leads is it ?
  7. a bit of effort, still makes me laugh asking is this a good deal, then next minute i got it mark :lol:, looks , and the ned result is
  8. Go back to page 2, and you will see a diagram,drawing under one of my threads, this is what i done bud, cleared it up , sorry i dont no how to copy the drawing to post up again , if ya get stuck (Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:45 pm)
  9. New a fully built chasis would see you about £250, but recently there were 2 as new Sprint 2s on ebay for under £100! Decent thing with drifting, is because of the low grip levels, you dont stress the motor much and with new bigger capacity batteries, you can see 1.5hrs out of 2x 4500Mah batteries The hunt on ebay last night didnt throw anything really up, will continue today, if you find anything chris, drop us a pm
  10. Lets just say alot lot cheaper than what they are up for sale for , all good fun though, note to self, next time put on ebayer for a lot lot more
  11. im looking with the g/f sitting behind me, playing all these vidz of rc drifting , just got the question, your gonna buy one ant ya , mmmmmm yeah
  12. looks awesome Chris, try send us some more info over if you can bud
  13. A feel a poll coming on: 1) Are you too embarassed. 2) Don't want to show us up. 3) Couldn't afford a camera before. 4) Never had a previous car. 5) Taken so many pics of your ZED you ran out of storage space. My vote goes to option 5 +1, 5 for me, i must have hundreds of pics of the zed :lol:
  14. +1, and thanks for the PM Chris, any more info, let us know please
  15. Mine was aswell, really strange +1,i saved £40 per car
  16. M350ZB

    First cheap mods?

    Some times pop up on here, price varies, can get some bargains out there, ZMANALEX, might be worth a shot ?
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