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Everything posted by M350ZB

  1. to the club, induction kit, there are plenty to choose from, and plenty of good suppliers on here, check out CS and chilli(envy)
  2. Con-Grats to richard and a great offer, top work
  3. Blue (burnt) tips bud You can still get special cleaner, Better 100% than 99.9% ill get to it the weekend
  4. your welcome to drop by and have a look mark. I am only down the road Have to take ya up on that bud , aslong as there ant no bumps
  5. mark loves that place more than his own home , cant beat a good nando's
  6. +1, there was one at the Ace Cade on saturday, and it is growing on me
  7. some good pics and lovely weather for it
  8. thread lock but this will change soon anyway as I managed to fine a single construct z-shaped bar. so half of the bolts will disappear. I am also looking into welding instead of bolts Looking forward to seeing more maz, and actually seeing it soon, does sound and look
  9. Exactly what the girlfriend wants to do , ut yeah defo
  10. Very good bit of kit, as said got one on my zed, wonder if i could get that bit fabricated !
  11. Think he gets ur point bud but didnt think mine looked much lower when i had the 20s on and tein springs tbh Sure Maz is looking into lowering when he fits his other suspension goodies Great wheels kieth and glad to see them go to maz, top work for helping out too, when we having our cleaning day
  12. :lol:, that bad aye Sarnie Just done a little search for the Hotel Ambrosia, good reviews too and the price very , but no sodding flights, , need to go on the sat25ht/sun26th july !
  13. No martin, ended up doing egypt twice, once to sharm and then to hurgahada to do the valley of the kings and all that, was really good though both times If you could pm me some details that would be great
  14. some cracking pics srobrien, looks very nice indeed
  15. awesome photo's as Cs said the timing
  16. I will but really gotta book me hol with the G/F first :lol:
  17. Wow, looking very good maz, really liking them, defo want to have a look and very intrested
  18. looking very good maz, glad ther on the zed, looking , cant wait to see them
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