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Everything posted by M350ZB

  1. , got a few projects over the summer to do, might have to add to the list
  2. , me and a few of my mates got one of these for my mates M3, the fitment was poor, but was a good laugh
  3. Sorry to hear that you need all these bits bud, sure plenty of people will be along soon, RSLEE and ZMANALEX are two names that spring straight to mind, best of luck
  4. Intresting Stew, have you polished your own plenum, any pics ?
  5. But what if someone bought one Then he would make a lot of money from an idiot :lol:
  6. +1, get in touch and they will direct you in the best way bud
  7. Is a very good price guys, suprised no one has snapped it up !
  8. Cheers Bud, will get on it at the weekend
  9. A good place and also very recomended is lepsons in kent bud, get in touch with them and see what they say
  10. +1, common problem with the oem zorst, and the most common place to go
  11. No, just soapy water & a bit of effort , fair does bud, next time planning to give the underside a good wash
  12. looks awesome bud, well done Paul, cant wait to see them fitted
  13. looking good Ian, what do you use to clean it, auto-sol ?
  14. Best of luck with the sale bud , lovely looking zed
  15. looking very good Ian,
  16. Looking forward to this one, been wanting to pop up to your place for some time
  17. If you had trouble getting yours up there, i got no chance, looks like mines on the road then , let us know when though bud, be good to see you again
  18. Mmmmmmmmmm giving me some ideas now Chris, may be a mini mod/cleaning day at maz's
  19. You have changed the aerodynamics of the car with that stubby! It could make the world of difference...if it meant they don't have to pay out! If it came to it I'd hobble home on my remaining non-broken limbs to swap it back over before the insurance engineer visited :lol:
  20. Funny thing is i only polish probably once every 1-2 months , but do keep on top of it
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