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Everything posted by M350ZB

  1. M350ZB


    Cheers Stew, i see, these are what i have on my wheels at the mo, the socket type do not fit, well the oem ones didnt, any pics of these rarerims ? ? ?
  2. Right guys and girls, im signing out, off to sort a few last minute packing things, e.t.c out then its time for some kip, then holiday mode. To all that are going away or coming back hope you had or are going to have a brill time. See you all soon !!!!!!!! Gonna miss you beavis
  3. M350ZB

    Texaco Fuel

    Tesco is prob closer, but when my mg zr got all messed up with that dodgy petrol that went about, never went back, so has been bp all the way for me .........
  4. :lol:, nothing wrong with music with no words in, ibiza soon for me
  5. M350ZB

    Texaco Fuel

    shame there no local shell garage's, bp is what i use
  6. Mark, when im back from hols, im back for a week, drop me a text, more than willing to come round, lend a hand
  7. You know I am joking bud. 40 degs C down there this weekend gd gd, i know i just checked the weather out a little while ago, 32 degs C now, and yesterday according to this site was 39 degs C, lovely jubbbly
  8. Sorry not yet, going tom, shall i go and never come back to the forum then
  9. Welcome back martin, how was it bud, hope you had a great time. Any pics ?
  10. back martin, some great pics of your lovely zed
  11. M350ZB

    got a zed

    looking good bud
  12. some good pics mate, needing something like this off my zed, so i can give to kta,might if you dont mind in a few weeks, after hols, get back to you and send you some pics, great work and would be perfect for what i need
  13. Cant really as its a daily driver may be worth a pm still. Paul does sometimes have spare sets which he could exchange with your faulty set. +1, think paul has once sent out donar lights
  14. +1, so many dodgy thigns turn up on ebay, most make you laugh :lol:
  15. would make for a fun restore or project for sure
  16. The RSW carbon overlays look awesome, 3FIDDYZ's Zed is fully kitted out and look spot on
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