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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. http://www.j-w-racing.co.uk/index.p...3&p_cat_id=1003 link doesnt work this does - http://www.j-w-racing.co.uk/index.php?pg=3&p_cat_id=277
  2. looks like a rover thats ram raided halfrauds ! ugly
  3. up front it is ,thanks for the advice
  4. :lol: is that real ? if it is then you've got to take your hat off to that !
  5. Hmm thats what i thought but i would do the rest anyway so, i'll try it with the bose and if its u/s i'll change the h/u think i'll put the focals in the front and kickers in the rear (i think) , trouble is when you sit there you feel you can only hear the rears and fronts just fill the sound thanks for the input
  6. thats the downside mate, i want to keep the cabin looking oem so i intend to try and get the best out of the bose by improving the speakers and amp i do miss my mp3 headunit which is lounging in the garage atm the bose totally lacks any midrange and is not strong on bass or treble either (the later could be due to the saucers supplied as speakers tho)
  7. i've got a pair of focal polyglass components and i will buy probably a mid range pair of kicker ks speakers where would you advise i fit them focal - front kickers - rear or vice versa , with the rear speakers acting almost as headphones the zed doesnt have a good sound stage, i know i would probably be best running decent front comps (as i have in previous cars) and the sub but i want to still keep the rear speakers i also have a genesis amp which i am going to try and replace the bose one with and dynamat the rear so... any advice on the speakers ? tia Paul i want to put the best speakers in the best position, which should be the front but i'm not sure if they are bit lost in the zed ?
  8. It's easy to spend a fortune for little results. I hope this posts helps you to get effective results. When done right, the engine and exhaust is more audible, and they general driving experience is greatly enhanced. Weight? for all this weighs? if you really that worried, go on a diet and get a thinner bird lol. Your problem areas are the doors, boot floor, and rear quarters. I'll tackle each individually. Materials that are effective. Dynamat extreme - not the std stuff which will peel off in the cold. Effective to stop panel resonance, also good for creating enclosures to make proper seals in cavity's etc. SA25(FR)SA from http://www.soundservice.co.uk/Soundabso ... erials.htm. This self adhesive model is very good at tackling tyre roaring. It can be applied to the boot area, rear quarters, and between the door card and the inner skin. Being foam there is no weight penalty. Noisekiller Lead Sandwich - http://www.noisekiller.co.uk/materials.php. Make a tight fit under mat for your boot carpet. Very effective. Can also be applied under your floor carpet. To the job next. The doors may not seem a big problem, but when you sort the boot and quarters it will become the main one. Use dynamat extreme on the outer skin, but dont over do it. Cut smaller bits and use them to seal up the openings in the door before refitting the plastic sheet. Apply SA25(fr)SA to the inside of the door card where it will allow you to. The quarters, famous nissan problem. Line the arches with a double layer of dynamat extreme, along with a single layer on the outer skin. Fit SA25(FR)SA in double layer over the wheel arch and single layer on the outer skin. If you feel rear adventurous, try using a dyn ext to create a seal for the inner skin leaving a little of the backing where the seat belt does through. Add SA25(fr)SA where it allows on the inside of the cover panel. The boot. Remove the boot panels around the side and stuff all the SA25(fr)SA where ever it allows. Cut some Lead sandwich the same size and shape as the boot carpet (leave it a little big and trim in place) so as it seals the lower boot area. You should now have a very low road noise, so you can hear the excellent exhaust and engine. For those who really want to go to town on this- remove the interior, and fit the lead sandwich to cover the floor, you will have to make a few cut-outs for things. You could even put some under the back seat if you wish. And for the perfectionist, dynamat the inside of the roof skin, believe me this actually makes a difference! as sound radiates through the panels to this one which is closest to your ears. borrowed
  9. i thought you had 5 spokes as in your sig ? wheels transform the Z but they get boring quick a;ways want to try something different nismo's are nice , very oem but a bit safe looking for my liking still toying with a nismo zorst tho
  10. welcome aboard Gina http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2454464 link
  11. You won't find one of these Limited edition GT4 Coupes for sale any cheaper than this No. 6 of 176 made, Manual, 3.5 litre V6 Petrol, Kuro black body colour, Full black leather interior, 18" alloy wheels, BOSE audio system with 6 CD autochanger,ABS with Brake Assist,Alarm,Climate control air conditioning ,Electric Brake Distribution (EBD),Electronic Stability Program (ESP),Engine immobiliser, Remote control keyless entry,Xenon headlamps. nope cant see 4wd anywhere , nice car , good price though
  12. I've not been on here very long , was Val - the minel ? if it was he seemed like a very knowledgable guy and its a shame it ended the way it did the site is for entertainment and information, along with being friendly i find the site excellent, i do post on others but i have found this one to be the best opinions often lead to debates on forums but that gives everyone the opportunity to see both sides, which is good totally agree with "Let's all move forward and discuss some of the more important things in life such as tyres, megiuars n' Zeds... " oh and zedrush, i wasnt here when this happened but it probably was your fault :lol: oh yeah one final point ... mods - moderate , dictators - rule
  13. The Xtreme is far thinner, but just as good at sound deadening
  14. would covering the dash cause problems with the airbags ?

    my new wheels

    Your brother bought them you dumbass classic !!!
  16. connection refused they need to pedal faster to get the server working
  17. hmm.. this is a tough one , surely this will open the flood gates for people to claim they were wrongly convicted ? no doubt the police will say it was a problem that was isolated to one gun anarchy on the roads ... i doubt it mate
  18. woah !! in the last pic, how small do those front discs look !!
  19. http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=16930
  20. got my touch up paint today, original order went missing £3.13 for a tub of touch up and a tub of clearcote from nissan, they take your reg to get a match
  21. a bit ott for me but it does look special, reminds me of a stealth bomber
  22. never heard a bad thing about any of CG stuff, only praise so i dont think you can go wrong collonite i think is good but i dont rate it as high as others do, i think its long lasting but you def get a better gloss with other products i clean (ocd style) so it doesnt have to be long lasting, 916 is the best colon nite i want to try zaino or swissol but i'm too tight
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