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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. oh yeah, you going to clay bar first ? (weather permitting) http://www.carnaubawaxshop.co.uk/applyi ... ba-wax.php
  2. Which megs wax ? cant think that they do a wax off the top of my head, i used p21s last weekend, gives a nice gloss, better than collinite imo dont let the p21s dry on too much before you buff it off mike
  3. excellent work ! did you use menzerna to cut with ? dodo juice gives a nice wet look
  4. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Genuine-Nissan-35 ... dZViewItem £239 - not cheap , i tried a few weeks ago to get a good price on these and all the sources were around the £250 mark Take a look at Mike's post about a discount code. i'm sure it wont be substantial enough OK, lets clear this up. Based on what has been posted, they should be available, using a discount code available through this forum, for £199. Holdcroft are a Nissan dealer. MJP are a trader on here, and also offer a discount. £199 plus p&p ?
  5. yup irish, older irish style plate
  6. look good but really depends on the colour of the car imo, suits azure, gm i'm not so sure about
  7. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Genuine-Nissan-35 ... dZViewItem £239 - not cheap , i tried a few weeks ago to get a good price on these and all the sources were around the £250 mark Take a look at Mike's post about a discount code. i'm sure it wont be substantial enough
  8. the other thing is, some need a slight adaptation to make them work in the uk (holdcroft) i think they are jap spec not true uk, if you buy from nissan ( who holdcroft are ?? ) they are plug and play
  9. pm sent and i think we need a pic of your car slammed with spacers
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Genuine-Nissan-35 ... dZViewItem £239 - not cheap , i tried a few weeks ago to get a good price on these and all the sources were around the £250 mark
  11. very nice, is that like a blackberry colour ? what polish are you using (looking very clean) wheels look almost like a dished gt4 wheel
  12. stu i'm pretty sure this is the guy "James 01978757052 he will be happy to give you a quote " in wrexham my bro has used chipsaway before and they do a superb job, he had two wheels done by them good luck
  13. HI STUEY as said above pm mike mate (xstrict ) he had his refurbed by a guy in buckley or wrexham and he was well pleased with the results, not sure he can do the stanless lip though but i'm he'll know someone who can i've done it myself in the past and i know its gutting
  14. good call stuey so whats zedrush's mum doing with an android ? is zedrush their love child ? i always thought there was something odd about him
  15. what a pita ! is it the hose that goes to the matrix ? hope it sorted soon, if its a known issue is the replacement part upgraded in any way ?
  16. just shut up about the f**king thing will you, you ****! :lol: they just dont understand tick tick tick ...........
  17. I like Lambo's but the only one that i would actually STEAL is on my drive yup i feel the same
  18. Who is Bishop???? didnt the actress say something to the bishop ?
  19. yup thats the one - from the same stable ! stop bein fussy its pronounced reBanton as clarkson said " you would get a lot of Badge with that car " about £710 outside your budget !!! thats pretty damn close compared to the rest of us :lol: anyhoo i liked it so dont start slagging lambos off or ... you're BARRED !
  20. awesome mate can you stand further back when you take the pics ? :lol: i had a 996 c4s for a week and it took me 6 months to get over it - i'm not joking ! best all round sports car ever imo - 30mph goin shopping to 130 mph through some twisties, the car has two personalities although i imagine the gt3 is more hardcore
  21. Correct, I do have authentic Lambo doors i thought they were called audi doors now Nope mine definitely say Lamborghini on them Did you see the stealth fighter version on top gear ? oh my god !! awesome its very, very (def in my top ten fav cars ) as standard but that was the dogs danglies (only 1 coming to the uk, £800k ) <- have you got sometthing to tell us ???
  22. Correct, I do have authentic Lambo doors i thought they were called audi doors now
  23. Just trying to help matey blue peter ? orange ian i find draught excluder is good for this sort of job, ( the stuff you use around window frames )
  24. pedrosa was on one - unstoppable when he's in the zone
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