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Everything posted by GIXXERUK


    Im in love

    i was looking at this yesterday, its in a subaru / hyundai dealers, the guy who is selling it owns the dealership i kid you not - its placed in the front window of the showroom on a bend and outside the police were sweeping the road where the driver was rubber necking the aston and had drove into a lamp post
  2. yup same here last night the BIG question is do you go past a gritter fast or slow ??? go slow - less impact but spend longer in the shower of s***e or go fast more impact but through quicker ???? pondered this for years Fast Neither, i ended up holding back about 20 meters and never overtook you have no choice sometimes eg. last night - dual carriageway slow moving gritter in the inside lane so either stay behind and get showered by the car in front or overtake, even if you keep a distance you can hear the rear arches being peppered with grit as the tyres flick it up
  3. yup same here last night the BIG question is do you go past a gritter fast or slow ??? go slow - less impact but spend longer in the shower of s***e or go fast more impact but through quicker ???? pondered this for years
  4. fazer 600 or sv650 are perfect first bike material
  5. this thread is just a smokescreen to get you to the 20k mark :scare: your cunning plan wont work - please respond
  6. full report when they are fitted mate, an essay of no less than 500 words with pics will suffice
  7. i thought it had been concluded many times before - induction kit - looks better and sounds better (can sometimes sap power due to heat soak) djtimo - no harm in playing though
  8. hope the weather gets better - its craptastic here atm - very windy and raining enjoy !
  9. is mike goin to try this wax ? - what wax :lol: pg3 ........
  10. "Not to start an argument but I wouldn't call Northern Ireland plates Irish." well known as irish plates over here mate - rightly or wrongly
  11. i thought that was a bond bug for a minute there durability is an issue with p21s , it only gives its best for approx 2 weeks esp this time of year, i like clearkote, poorboys and CG stuff for polishes ClearKote Vanilla Moose Glaze followed by dodo juice would give an excellent finish imo
  12. overposting i imagine, locking their server up congrats sarnie They thought i was a spy , why was that ? cos you're soo secretive and never post pics ?
  13. dont go there !! theres a BIG list and getting bigger
  14. overposting i imagine, locking their server up congrats sarnie
  15. i like koni coilovers and have had these fitted to previous cars but i've noticed that bilstein have worked closely with the 350z and developed a kit if you want to do it properly it will be pricey, if its just cosmetic you can do it cheap, the problem is it will feel cheap
  16. congrats are you doing a direct access course ? get it booked and start choosing a bike
  17. i love that car !! :headhurt:
  18. £29.50 plus p&p http://www.swissvax.co.uk/products/wax-products.asp
  19. i've seen £1.39 ! on the motorway, i put a fiver in
  20. good stuff i think you will like the p21s, although i believe dodo juice is better for a wetter look, will let you know
  21. superb work especially considering the anorexic paint on the zed, theres only so much paint correction thats possible
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