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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. nice Gm but - you're barred !!! (if your thinking of selling) someone start a thread for pics
  2. =1 on the orange adds a nice contrast imo
  3. =1 but its pretty obvious who some of the cars belong to needs to be a vote as the peeps who are voting will be the peeps who are buying
  4. if you bought all those it would probably go like - greased lightning !
  5. read a few stories about zeds losing the rear over the last few days be careful out there - this is not a drill people

    My new toy!

    in the first pic ? have you been doin donuts !!
  7. carpets headlining all plastics headunit speakers airbags petrol depends how far you want to go ?

    My new toy!

    looks very clean, nice setting (in the summer ) the 2nd pic is


    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-N-S-R ... dZViewItem
  10. dont let it put you off mate, i find dealers in general are pretty useless not just nissan (although they can take it to another level )
  11. off topic - deleted - as requested - stew
  12. It does lose some of the original flowing lines of the standard zed imo, i find the arches a bit disturbing, they look as though they have been rolled outwards i do prefer the original smooth look http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/282431.htm (randomly picked from PH)
  13. i saw this when it was originally aired on channel 5 amazing car
  14. pics pics pics pics pics
  15. as N15MNO says it hassle if it goes wrong plus if you look at the operating bandwidth on the radio its much narrower than the uk so you wont be able to get all the stations
  16. Would it be correct to say that the photo of the dials is from a different car? This is where I'm confused. If the dials are not from a different car which is clearly an auto what does this line mean in the spec? On a different note, I really don't like the fender moldings. I'm always reminded of accident damage when I see it. Two pictures are of the car from my phone, a couple of the press car in Japan, I have some others from the agents so if you need them give me a mail like the one fo the froint and dials the guy is from the oc iirc this would be his 3rd zed, him and his girlfriend/wife had one each before
  17. DREXYL !!!! is he still choosing a Cd ?
  18. so the morale here is to get a mate with an m3 to come out when you have sellers on a test drive ............you dont get this off top gear glad you're sorted mate
  19. i'm sure the noise gives the impression you are going faster than you are, i've had lots of comments off people that i drive fast but i'm sure its only as fast as i drove before boss said i was doing 70mph in the Co car park !! 5mph limit when my mate heard he asked if i was reversing as 70 is slow for me anyone else notice you cant go fast in stealth mode ?
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