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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. Nah not really ..I've got two spare sets kicking about as it is Sell me a set then for £20 plus a fiver for postage, I want a set no How about £25 including delivery? now you've got him
  2. hi did you mean to put this in the for sale section - not the wanted
  3. glad youre sorted (touch wood) strange one that ! did the contacts on the fuse look at all dirty ?
  4. Personal preference as is car colour agreed but your car looked like it had been in the shop window for 10 years in that pic
  5. if you want to use the other then either .............. edit your post or ask a mod to delete it and post another .........jeez if you like that pic - your monitor must be set up wonky
  6. Only the tiny one and the washed out one were deleted. The best one was kept in. The topic was tidied up. And also requested 1 per member. Maybe I wanted the 'washed' out one!?!? as for one pic YOU have two in there as do numerous others!!!!!!!!! Daaaaaaave has about 12 It was insipid and crap - no one wants to look at that for a month - no one will vote for it the other is much better Thats your opinion. Who wants to look at a 'insipid and crap' gm zed for a month? did you actually look at that pic ? and thats a colourist remark .... tut tut
  7. Only the tiny one and the washed out one were deleted. The best one was kept in. The topic was tidied up. And also requested 1 per member. Maybe I wanted the 'washed' out one!?!? as for one pic YOU have two in there as do numerous others!!!!!!!!! Daaaaaaave has about 12 Recheck your facts. And if your not happy with the one i have left in then put back in the washed out one. But i dont think you will. Though then again you probably will. Like i said the topic was cleaned up at lunch time today. Why do i bother?? But why say one pic per person, take mine out and leave other peoples mutliple photo's in there including your own? two glaringly obvious reasons really ............. 1. you name isnt saaaaaaarnie (might of helped) 2. you posted your pics individually (unlike daaaaave who post them in 1 reply) so yours were easier to remove as was a few others and you cant tell me you wanted the washed out one
  8. Only the tiny one and the washed out one were deleted. The best one was kept in. The topic was tidied up. And also requested 1 per member. Maybe I wanted the 'washed' out one!?!? as for one pic YOU have two in there as do numerous others!!!!!!!!! Daaaaaaave has about 12 It was insipid and crap - no one wants to look at that for a month - no one will vote for it the other is much better
  9. pics here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10520
  10. yes its a 350Z-UK calendar mate, there is another thead where each member is invited to post a pic - closes dec 14th then there will be a poll, the 12 with the highest votes get to go into the calendar welcome back
  11. nissan list these at £125 ! i've got them and they go well with the ali air vent surrounds imo
  12. GANGSTA !! screams - drug dealer to me
  13. post a pic and ask someone to photoshop the wheels black blacks wheel look good on GM with stainless/polished rims - all black i'm not so sure about - might look a bit too dull and make the wheels look small i dont think it would work out cheaper to spray and lacquer black than having them re-furbed
  14. big phil - 07714457051 eastshoreracing@btinternet.com best to ring or email mate, since he moved premises he hasnt had much time to get on here hth
  15. Nice and quiet till about 4-4500 rpm then all hell breaks loose You get a nice barble when in 6th at a certain amount of revs recheck the tightness of the jubilee clips after a few hundred miles bud, i found mine had slackened off a little
  16. ISNT SAYING ALSO OFF TOPIC So i say back at ya not the best of weather to clean the relative humidity doesnt allow the polish wax to adhere correctly
  17. ahh heres the thread popcharger fitted then and Y pipe sent away to have gaskets made what do you think of the popcharger ?
  18. off topic but Y pipe and popcharger ?
  19. stop it !! alex is selling them £240 a set but i dont want to spend the cash but i keep getting tempted
  20. It gives the best shine of anything I've used but I've not used Zaino or anything like that yet. Gonna treat myself/my car to something expensive soon I reckon swissol bos is highly rated although expensive, i rate clearkote as a polish, gives a superb shine (then a wax on top) and not pricey Cleaned with clearkote vanilla wax glaze
  21. looks superb nigel, first mod has to be clear front reflectors - get em ordered
  22. i use it, i dont think its any better than collinite tbh and probably doesnt last as long, i'm going to try dodo juice next this is supposed to give a superior shine and last longer (and costs more )
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