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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. You guys are more than wlecome to use any pictures that I have taken.. I think I have a couple of picture threads here.. I also have some pictures on my website that you are welcome to.. http://www.mike-lee.org/car/volume01_issue01/index.htm I can provide fullsized images for a calendar if one makes the final cut.. --mike your car is one of my fav zeds its been my desktop for a few months
  2. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10582
  3. congrats on the new arrival hope they catch the low life that robbed you
  4. Gotta say i like that blackberry colour they get in the states iirc its called brickyard ?
  5. this whole thing is a mine field someone needs to do a definitive thread
  6. LOL funny as... it wasnt meant to be funny i love stuff for sale not enough people sell stuff imo (i'm an ebayholic ) it was a genuine
  7. did you copy my post above ^^^ Soz just G**gle'd Nova Kit Car ...they were the dogs at the time tho, I think I was young and fit then at the time they were the most radical thing on the road, its weird how things age, the same with the TVR tasmin - that was extreme at the time, now it looks like piece of cheese
  8. nice job and a fast turn around ( good colour match it was blue in the 1st pic and now its grey )
  9. newswseller - you're the king of for sale section
  10. YOU ARE BIT FOR THIS 4 PICTURES :lol: sadly though his english is better than my german
  11. if you wear shades 24-7 then GM will look dull - MR Vain
  12. http://www.madabout-kitcars.com/kitcar/ ... ls.php?158 looks like a nova kit car to me, popular in the 80's vw based
  13. one of the best imports i've seen the nismo s tune suspension would make a difference to a-b performance or for track use
  14. Top whoring dude Top attempted stealth whoring dude greasy roads today - take it easy front end just slid on a corner ! i turned - the car didnt
  15. so now you need new brakes and tyres ?
  16. and the pics ?...........

    Scumball car

    bargain !!! dare i ask whats the mileage ?
  18. ahh but you have a propensity to store this sort of info not a fan of them
  19. list suggests it works with 05 - 06 model with the interface on a pioneer best to email them though http://www.pac-audio.com/swixprogrammin ... amming.asp
  20. the old right back elbow - its a standard move on saturday night in wales
  21. i like it the rear is abit 928 , reminds me of an e type from some angles and an r8 - lots of designs in there but it is
  22. yep, but there are new members now i wasnt here last xmas
  23. are you crazy !! :lol: welcome and post some pics of the new obsession
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