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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. same goes for all the bulbs if you drop one in the headlight you will have to take the bumper off to get the headlight out and it has happened before to someone on here
  2. Spray the element liberally with a water based cleaner like 409, Simple Green, or laundry detergent mixed with warm water you can buy simple green from http://www.simplegreen.co.uk
  3. jay and will have to discuss this
  4. We couldnt wait until the new year This was born from the fact that I will be up there visiting relatives for xmas and Zedrush was also going to be up there. Phil will no doubt be having a proper open day, but I wont make that as it would be a 700+ mile round trip to make it! gotcha mate
  5. i thought bigphil said he was going to have an open day in the new year ? with naked girls, free food and nismo give away prizes with free fitting or did i dream that ?
  6. quite a few people have the kenwood mate the lz-702w, KNA G520 are also popular
  7. the guy is trying to sell the stuff, stop raining on his parade !! those nokias are now retro
  8. my wants are waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy beyond my earnings earn more - want more .......................

    Worlds end

    the oc is a very small forum, i.e there is only a few people on there (mark,sats,mattler etc) an inner core who post to each other in threads and the rest are ignored i have found, i post on there but it certainly isnt as friendly as this gaff imo (this is my view not de managements view) in conclusion - get the sticker off or get it photoshopped off - too to take another, i was going to go and take some pics today but its horrible out there yup whoever is in charge off the stickers
  10. i didnt think i would ever say this but - I WANT TO BE YOUR MUM , SON !
  11. me want, i love 911's, i had a 997 c4s for a week last year
  12. yup top slide at the end - perfect !
  13. turn the wheel all the way inwards on the side you are doing, then undo a screw/bolt on the inner wing plastic guard (level with the headlight) and pull it down, you can now get your hand in behind the headlight, turn the bulb holder and it will come out, you can then pull the holder and bulb through the gap and change the bulb check it works before you put it back

    Worlds end

    i dont think anyone will spot the oc sticker hmm need to try and get a pic myself but its been cold and dark most of the day 1st pic hits the spot for me

    Worlds end

    mike, liking the first the best !
  16. call yourself a scouser ? hang your head in shame
  17. where did you get those done stuey ? they look
  18. for anyone interested heres a guide to cleaning
  19. i think theres something wrong with my computer - i cant see the pics !!
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