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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. Don't be such a tight arse i have a reputation to keep
  2. i've got the cf front finisher, cf on my front and rear z badges and cf on the z side badges, i'd like the nismo cf pillars but not at £80 ! and the cheap ones go yellow i'm told
  3. I'm going to try again tomoz if the weather is kind Not likely mate bloody today
  4. http://www.petrolprices.com/blog/petrol ... ml#comment BREAKING NEWS ---- UPDATE: This morning (10/12/07) Transaction 2007 announced a firm date for the protest. Protests will start Saturday 15th December 2007 at 10:00am. They say the date was decided by members as "the best possible to enable those who would normally be working during the week to attend." According to a press release on the site, they plan to protest outside refineries or storage depots across the country.
  5. I was sent the offical video christmas card of these two ladies by a client today, and I have to say, they should have bought a turkey for christmas as they were eating away like you wouldn't believe I think you should send me an email of this, jsut to make sure it was suitable for you +1 Did you ever get your e-mails boys? Jeez talk about bring back threads from the good old days. No i never got that email, i may have to call Marc to see if he still has it. Are we doing anything to the site though for christmas? not for xmas but i've heard we are changing the url in january when sarnie goes to switzerland Just because i'll be there doesn't mean I won't be here man ! what were the odds you would read that
  6. I was sent the offical video christmas card of these two ladies by a client today, and I have to say, they should have bought a turkey for christmas as they were eating away like you wouldn't believe I think you should send me an email of this, jsut to make sure it was suitable for you +1 Did you ever get your e-mails boys? Jeez talk about bring back threads from the good old days. No i never got that email, i may have to call Marc to see if he still has it. Are we doing anything to the site though for christmas? not for xmas but i've heard we are changing the url in january when sarnie goes to switzerland
  7. you need to get on GT5 and learn the track, dont want you doing a jonathan ross on us
  8. 189.00 for 3 hours, 1 hour track use and the rest of the time practising and briefing I asked him about your time Sarnie, he said he remembered you, they had to prize you out of the car cos you were scared and wet yourself Sounds like top gear last night
  9. http://www.necgroup.co.uk/visitor/whats ... 28&m=1&p=1 TOO SLOW
  10. mmm i'll bring my own biscuits then
  11. Don't forget this is the internet and we have to allow what is sometimes a quite significant margin for the "bullshit quotient" As in "I was hammering down this country lane in the dark, it was pouring with rain and I could hardly see a thing. I had Nickleback blasting out with 140 on the clock when all hell broke loose and I nearly binned it" probably means "I was casually ambling along a dual carraigeway in bright sunny conditions with excellent visability. I was singing along to the Backstreet Boys at 45 when the wife accidentally switched on my heated seat which momentarily distracted me causing me to deviate several inches from my intended path and hit a pothole" Not quite the same... its funny cos its true
  12. i dunno but its a bit homophobic when you carry a gay gif in your photobucket you hate what you are
  13. what sort of biscuits i'll be there (shortbread are nice with a brew )
  14. or the thread should have a NBS (NOT BUYER SAFE) warning in the title
  15. agree with everything that has been said but i think sometimes you should (when safe) provoke the back end to step out - then when it does do it involuntarily it isnt alien to you the traction control is very intrusive in the dry, i usually turn it off but it poor conditions it stays even though i have read that a few people say they have more control with it off
  16. http://www.xtreme-uk.net/UsedCarDetails ... etails=624 57.5k here - pick it up in march
  17. http://www.xtreme-uk.net/UsedCarDetails ... etails=624 57.5 k
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