1. Remove the element from the POP-Charger aluminum venturi
and shake out any loose dirt.
2. Spray the element liberally with a water based cleaner like 409,
Simple Green, or laundry detergent mixed with warm water.
Basically any cleaner that could be used to remove grease from
a cotton tee shirt without damaging it.
3. Rinse the element with low pressure (IE. open ended garden
hose slightly opened) water from the inside outward.
4. Dry the element by shaking or swinging it to remove the
majority of water and allowing it to final dry naturally. No heat or
compressed air!
5. Spray an even coat of gauze air filter oil (most motorcycle,
performance shops or Jim Wolf Technology, inc.) lengthwise
along each pleat. Wait a few minutes and touch up any thin or
missed pleats.
6. Service intervals depend on the driving environment. Intervals
can be up to 50,000 miles or as short as one day for off-road
events. Generally the element can look pretty dirty and still be
working at a high efficiency since new particles continue to stick
to the previously trapped particles. If you are not sure, remove
the element and shine a light from the inside. If you can’t see
the light from the outside or it is dim, it’s time for service. Use
caution when cleaning or servicing car batteries located near
the filter, as battery acid residue will eat holes in the element.