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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. Exactly ! Full of zeds but not camera's
  2. Not usually a fan of silver but that looks great with those wheels
  3. Very dirty but still looked good, I was in the le mans 370 near Colwyn bay
  4. Josh said ... It was £120 for the retrim with half leather/alacantara and and extra £70 for the re-shape! Bargain IMO considering the cost of some of the Momo wheels which obviously don't retain your airbag and controls etc!
  5. Clutch biting point is normally quite high in the zed, check you're fluid level and colour of fluid Induction kits just add noise really, not a performance enhancer Most fit HFCs to get around the mot and refitting annually
  6. Call of duty way beyond the reward of a sausage roll, think we're looking at a chicken n mushroom pie here Well done
  7. Merry christmas everyone Enjoy !
  8. Cheers ewen and rich, enjoy the break
  9. yes (had the last two mapped at my house ) , no doubt you could get live mapping at a price, the generic maps are developed in this country, so they are better suited to the fuel and temps we have, I have had slightly better mpg, much quicker and a smoother throttle response when mapped cars I've had done :- 335D coupe, 320D, 530D, clio dci, seat leon's x2, golf gttdi
  10. doesn't look like a crack to me, as CS said possibly a pad print
  11. Are those pics from the zed shed
  12. the more i look at this, the more i think it has to be done ! good vid, shame about the raindrops, good choice of music air ce matin la (that morning) been to paris a few times but not by car, la rochelle I went in the car, easy driving and good roads (no one hogs the outside lane)
  13. Great road trip ! Love that pic with Blackpool tower in the background
  14. Best of both worlds there Will A remap transforms any diesel, I've had all the diesels I've had done, with no regrets
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