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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. He's not on here AFAIK. nor on the oc weird if i had it i would have pics of it in every thread (bit like sarnie ) Speed67 IIRC. ahh ...
  2. http://any-s.net/350z/images/leddoor0.jpg that sort of thing ? same used for kick plates and the strut bar those seats look
  3. He's not on here AFAIK. nor on the oc weird if i had it i would have pics of it in every thread (bit like sarnie )
  4. How many seats? Doors? Yes it has seats and doors. Its a zed. Admit it so we can stop spamming this thread its only you
  5. absolutely awesome car did we ever find out who bought it ? i havent seen or heard of it on any forum.... weird it sounds as though you put that much into a car like that, by the time its done you are sick to death of it improve one part and find the weakness in another hat off to baptist though
  6. def a new zed - petrol engine in the front - what else fits that description ?
  7. too right ! i keep coming back to this
  8. I considered most of those too. Didn't like the image of the boxster, Beemers as you say are sooo common, S2k looks like a birds car, RX8 is vile imo, TT is too sterile and looks like a hairdressers car. I also did not want to go down the football hooligans cars eg scooby or evo's etc hence I ended up with the zed and loved both of the two I owned +1 thats roughly the route i took aswell


    The price of £60k not £55k seems to be cropping up more and more....... not sure about the white either, it makes the body panels look a bit big imo


    if its a repost i dont want to know http://www.autotrader.co.uk/EDITORIAL/C ... 38352.html
  11. i'll take a pic when i do the other side tomorrow mate, you do need to bit a little brutal with it
  12. took me about 15 mins, you only have to undo the 1 screw and pull the arch liner off the arch and push it down, i didnt remove it the rear license plate leds look they make the car look cleaner and newer at night and they are a doddle to do main problem is its out there
  13. cheers rickya, when i bought the car the guy did tell me but i was driving off by then
  14. s'posed to pick the one you like - not the ones you dont Easier to pick the one I don't like Gold or black will look good bu not the white imo S A R N IE - seriously awkward ( dog tired now boss, finish the rest later) RNIE
  15. I bought some Philips Xtreme Power Headlight bulbs, they are supposed to be 80% brighter than normal i have fitted one so that i can try and get pics later to see what the difference is to the oem ones i didnt take the wheel off, just turned it in but i did find i needed to jack the car up a little to lift the arch away from the wheel to access the rear of the headlight i've changed the side lights to led and the xenons are white/ blue but the main beam looks yellow in comparison, so that why i changed them (and they are weak imo)
  16. s'posed to pick the one you like - not the ones you dont
  17. black defo - lookin mean ! :boxing: your guru pic is very jay
  18. whats the weight of the wheel ?
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