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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. dead bodies tend to release all their fluids and gases top tip from my mum was always wrap them tightly in a bin liner and gaffer tape it, never had a spillage in the boot since mums know best
  2. i live in n wales, bought my zed from kent if its the right car its worth the travel imo
  3. hmm.... pm kev at envy iirc he was putting together a kit of parts for the driveshaft repair if not pm bigphil he maybe able to help
  4. no probs mate you should post up your location incase there is someone who is nearby that can take you for run
  5. i like your rex it looks meaner then your average rx8 on a run steady 70mph approx 28-30, foot down heavy ... you dont want to know welcome aboard mate
  6. simpsons are but pricey £40 for a gold acu stamped helmet thats a bargain !! i use a shoei on my bike
  7. car looks mint but standard - any plans ?
  8. aboard mart , lovin the pics what camera was used ? they are really sharp and vibrant
  9. thanks for the reply, i'm having two tyres fitted and the tracking done on thursday (they had no 245/35/19 tyres in stock 60 miles ! i should have rang first)
  10. I think that's right. I remember the front or rear isn't adjustable. Think it's the front from when I fitted lowering springs. The rear sit's quite high as standard but the adjustment is only limited. If they are wearing bad claim on warranty.. that what they said kev - the rear is adjustable and the front isnt, its normally the opposite, is it because it rwd ? very odd though, what to do they do under warranty to cure it ? they are aftermarket 19's - so thats a no go
  11. i was told today by demon tweeks that the front camber isnt adjustable is that correct ? my tyres are wearing unevenly (more on the inside) , the tracking my help slightly but its obviously a camber issue TIA Paul
  12. FIREBALL XL5 the gerry anderson stuff was way ahead of its time and what happened to white dog crap, you dont see that now they all eat a well balanced diet !
  13. +1 the same old crap but it doesnt stop me lookin maybe one day something different will turn up

    R1 Turbo

    kev, 8pm on monday on men and motors - the story of the sierra (iirc) same as the one on the escort
  15. azure lookin dirty at approx 8.30am today import GM at approx 12.15 pm 400 miles and i saw two zeds
  16. here ya go mate, i had the same prob http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ALUMINIUM-TAX-DIS ... dZViewItem
  17. luckily a good mix of colours , i wont name my faves as that would be insulting to the others (jay) well done to all that made it in and a big thanks to martinmac for all his effort and hard work merry christmas everyone Paul
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