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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. I saw this last week, must be new to the area, sounds like I saw them at exactly the same place as you
  2. looks like a good day, pics are grainy but still appreciated
  3. Well cared for car and some nice mods Harry
  4. It sounds fuel starved to me, I would check the fuses Esp. The fuel pump which has a fuse near the battery iirc Can you hear the pump prime ?
  5. Blue zed with amuse body kit and no wing looks awful... Reminds me of a panamera

    Gun in the sun

    Totally standard mate and thats the way i like it. Back in the 80`s i had a hillman imp with a wippy aerial that was about 6 foot so this is not exactly long... It did make it look like a remote controlled car especially with my wimbledon stockcars triangle flag on the top The inspiration for the 911.. The imp Nice pics
  7. Or Hammond, he's very partial to a Porsche
  8. Agreed although I do remember the date, my brother in law was there with the marines and lost some good friends
  9. Obviously! But who would notice that very vague number plate reference? The plate was on the car from new so unless top gear planned this multiple years ago... who ? the argentinians, obviously ! Wasn't it a daily mail journo that first started posting it on Twitter trying to spark outrage Not sure, it's a pantomime anyway, contrived to promote controversy and grab attention ... So it worked !
  10. Obviously! But who would notice that very vague number plate reference? The plate was on the car from new so unless top gear planned this multiple years ago... who ? the argentinians, obviously !
  11. Top Gear did have details of Falklands Porsche number plate before buying it BBC admits it did ask for paperwork which confirmed Porsche's controversial number plate H982 FKL before shipping it to Argentina for Top Gear Special Before handing over any cash for the Porsche 928GT, a copy of the V5C registration document, clearly stating the number plate H982 FKL, was emailed to a member of the show’s production team. A purchase order was then raised and a member of the Top Gear team visited the dealer to pay for the car before it was whisked off to a garage to be prepped for shipping to Argentina. http://www.telegraph...-buying-it.html
  12. Not anymore '2,700 Jobs At Risk As City Link Collapses'
  13. Microdon, Rather apt given Andys height the small Welsh godfather I thought it but you said it
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