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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. Black hole ^^^ comes with a free trowel, great stuff
  2. Nice work (a lot of work)


    had a test drive in a turbo - fast and total go cart handling
  4. back, how did the test drive go ?
  5. thanks for the heads up, always watch this, it's not great but it has cars in it
  6. Col... nice stable How did it take you soooo long to get here ?
  7. Octet/torqen had an ark on his turbo'd zed with ark HFCs and it wasn't really loud, not sure about drone, send him a pm
  8. try a pm to tarmac sportz
  9. got the wet coat the other day..not had chance to try it yet but i've been impressed by all the reviews on line ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  10. Did a fly by yesterday in the warmer weather, ...not quite full throttle but not far off. It's in my Youtube channel if you want to see it. Really lets you hear the by pass valve nicely I think although the exhaust note sounds better at a slightly higher rpm which I didn't come close to. Going to stop from doing anymore GoPro videos for now as hopefully I will be doing a track day this year which will make for better footage as I will be able to really go WOT. the BOV sounds
  11. very nice, what I like about this is that it looks as though should look that way, not add ons but almost oem
  12. great car, great mods, love the wheel and the auto dimming mirror (where did that come from ?)
  13. did you check the rear of the discs ?
  14. later cars had the tail lights as led's ( brake lights)
  15. Wheels would transform the car imo
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