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Everything posted by GIXXERUK

  1. great pics and some very tasty mods i cant believe how much lower your car looks with the nismo rims, the bbk is awesome
  2. Possible bearing, they usually drone when loaded, I would check the condition and pressures of the tyres first, get under and look at the inside walls aswell If not jack it up and check for play in the wheel bearing, grab at 12 and 6 o clock and 3 and 9 o clock and try to tilt the wheel back and forth the weights missing would only cause steering wheel shake, probably just the position they were in befiore new tyres and a re-balance

    Sunny day out

    good pics Matt and great looking zeds
  4. Much better, needs lowering now ... It never ends
  5. Had both and like both but the 370 gets much more attention than the 350 ever did
  6. it's normal, maybe temp related or the amount of fuel remaining in the tank ?
  7. those matts need cleaning
  8. I know that feeling well (shed next door) The AM is
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