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Everything posted by martinmac

  1. I can assure you that the showers this year will be fine. All indoors.
  2. Please add your names plus passengers on this thread and keep the chat in here. viewtopic.php?f=57&t=59415
  3. Please add yourself to the list if you will be attending. I am starting to get the facilities sorted now so need a rough idea. Original thread. viewtopic.php?f=57&t=55664 1/ martinmac +1
  4. If everyone else can get the money transferred soon it would be appreciated. We need to know how many more tickets we need. The outlay is a lot of money.
  5. Will be in touch today Steve. Having a bit of a mare at the moment.
  6. If anyone else wants to get on our stand for the 10th anniversary then get your names down soon, the tickets are going fast on all four forums.
  7. 1. Marzman.......1x Ticket + 2x Track Sessions 2. Doris..............2x Tickets only 3. WinkJ - 2x Tickets 4. Hennerz ......2x Ticket only 5. Pr1ngle x2 tickets please 6. Matty316... 2 tickets only 7. Mark284811 2x Ticket + Track Session 8. Dave J.........2 tickets please. 9. glrnet......1 x ticket please 10. Chippychip123......2x tickets please 11. Beb....... 1x ticket please 12. 350Ad.....1x ticket please 13. Drifter......1x ticket please 14. Veilside Z . 2 entry passes 1 zed track time 15. Madmarky........ 2x Tickets 16. DuhDuhDuction...... 2x Tickets please (and a stand pass) 17. pgregory...........1 ticket(and a stand pass please) 18. Keyser ...........2 tickets 1 track session (and a stand pass please) If the Bitch is ready!!!!!!! 19. Neilp ..... 1 ticket, 1 track session and stand pass 20. Scootg ...... 2 Tickets + 1 Stand Pass. 21. Buster..........1 x stand pass please.(already paid for entrance ticket) 22. Jez - 1 ticket, stand and track time please 23. Chee350 x1 ticket. 24. Bry.....2 Tickets + Stand Pass please 25. richie94gts.....1x ticket please 26. Peter10..........1x ticket + stand pass 27. Cragus..........1xticket and deluxe stand pass 28. Lukekbrown....2x tickets + stand pass please 29. John Tarantula....2x tickets + stand pass and track space if possible! 30. AmyZed...... I ticket + pass 31. Liam42whu.........1x ticket + stand pass 32. AsianUK..............1 ticket 33. Spawn................2 tickets 34. Bulletmagnet........1 ticket.
  8. Does he have a good head for heights.
  9. All sorted mate. Can you reduce your sig size please. Only one on here please.
  10. I think I could keep him busy for a week Dan.
  11. Cheers guys, I will update the list with who has paid tomorrow.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. What make of back box is it
  13. For all those that have signed up could you get the money to me now please. I will take Paypal, please send as a gift. My e-mail is in my profile. Also add £1 to cover postage please. For those who wish to pay by cheque please pm me. When you paypal please add your username so I can keep track. Also let me know what you are paying for, entry tickets and track time.
  14. No mate, LakeZ is a social weekend so you can bring what you like.
  15. hi and welcome along mate, getting the REOs to talk directly makes my life a lot easier.
  16. i will check but no hurry at the moment. I would prefer to sort it when i am home and have a bit more online time.
  17. The easy way to do it is to set up a photobucket account, there is a guide in the FAq section in the post for new members.
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