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Everything posted by martinmac

  1. A rare case of common sense. Need more of it
  2. All the roads around us ( country lanes) are 60mph but the idiot tourists cant drive down them without hitting each other so they are dropping them to 30mph. So it goes on.........
  3. On the subject of Yorkshire Nixy... http://www.youtube.com/results?search_q ... rch=Search :lol:
  4. I am sorry to say that this country has finally had it. Taxes, petrol prices, over regulation, congestion,..... It really is becoming a bloody pain living here. Wouldnt mind so much if something was getting better with all the additional financial input.
  5. So which one is the "empty hand" or is it ope hand.
  6. martinmac

    Im in love

    i was looking at this yesterday, its in a subaru / hyundai dealers, the guy who is selling it owns the dealership i kid you not - its placed in the front window of the showroom on a bend and outside the police were sweeping the road where the driver was rubber necking the aston and had drove into a lamp post There is a massive car sales place just outside Amsterdam alongside a motorway. Its like a multi storey carpark with glass front. Filled with every super car you can think of. The local authorities have made the owners shutter it off from the road as there were crashes all day
  7. Went to school with a guy called Ian Peter Downward
  8. Cant add anything Matt, right pain. Hope you get sorted again soon and someone who deserves and approeciates it buys it.
  9. Is it me or does anyone feel like they have just landed on a different planet after reading this
  10. With this sort of notice i think that can be arranged And good weather
  11. Any date will do me Mike, can shift about the schedule as its away from bloody Christmas. Dont know when Stew was thinking of doing the Scotland thing but assume it will be later rather than earlier due to weather
  12. This is taking getting the numbers up for the next Wales run to a new level Mike, respect
  13. Been at work since early October so no chance to change them yet.
  14. No. it's the next 26, and I know! Congratulations anyway and many happy returns. Any advance on 26 No, but close at 2/3 rds my age with the BIG 60 next March so what you moaning about Dan - at 40 you are only just a whippersnapper ....... you oldies make me laugh you post like teenagers
  15. The gritting wagons are on standby so I am having one last drive out before the winter wheels go on. Will be at this place on 25th November for lunch if anyone fancies it. http://www.highwaymaninn.co.uk/
  16. Best of luck Digsy although I am sure you wont need it.
  17. what, is that in between doughnuts Mike and I are doughnuts Keep the faith mate, and dont answer the phone, actually your typing is looking a bit rough, got a cold
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