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Everything posted by martinmac

  1. I think this may be one that somebody needs to hear but there are plenty of other owners in your area.
  2. I had a Nissan Sat Nav retro fitted. Didnt think much of it though and its gone now.
  3. Lets all nip off and hide when he arrives.
  4. Looks like I will have to put up with Als driving then.
  5. Just buy one of the forum panels, a lot cheaper and you get your name on it.
  6. All the best Jim, I hope everything goes smoothly.
  7. So thats the LakeZ weekend over. Dont miss out on the next weekend meet at Zedfest in August.
  8. Pretty impressive really, never seen an eight wheeled zed before.
  9. Well thats all the tents and Gazebos down and re-delivered. The tables and chairs are away for another year and all the cars are parked and empty. I would just like to thanks all who attended, it was a great weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed it even with the streaming cold, cant think how I got that. I think the hotel did us proud again and kept up the level of service from last year. The weather was very kind, i didnt pack any sun cream and am regretting that now, I have a very red face. AS always at these meets there were some very funny and special moments and I am sure some of the pics will get on here. Thanks also go to Tim from Envy valeting for taking the time to come along and support the event. I hope you get your nuts sorted. I would also like to thank those who couldnt make the full weekend but popped over to say hello including a 260z driving down from Peebles this morning. So guys, thanks again for your time, effort and cash. A great bunch of people made it a very memorable weekend. Oh, and congrats to the winner of the car of the show, at last.
  10. Nothing nasty here apart from being a bit damp yesterday morning. The sun has just popped out.
  11. I will be sitting on a chair with a drink waiting to help you set up.
  12. You leave your bad weather where it is. I will be heading off soon so will be around all day.
  13. Well its a bit breezy at the moment but it hasnt rained all morning. Once again the met office tell me its pouring down.
  14. Sat in the garden with a nice cool beer at the moment.
  15. And for those who believe weather forcasts I have just taken this from my garden.
  16. Thats the stupid weather over anyway, all good again now.
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