And yes its free to enter.
Have a look at the forum merchandise section and decide what you would like. Its then a simple matter of answering three questions, search and google will help you out. I will post a closing date in a few days but get your answers in quick.
All those with the correct answers will be put into a draw and the winner will be able to order any one item from the merchandise section.
Answers by PM to me please.
!/ I have a bit of a fetish for wheels and change them quite a lot. The first aftermarket wheels I bought were very bling and shiny but what make were they.
2/ The boat I am working on at the moment is now registered in the UK but when we took it over it wasnt, in what country was it registered. The name will help you a lot :wink:
3/ What is the name of the nearest Michelin Star restaurant to LakeZ 2013. I believe they now have two stars.
Get the PMs in.