I know the topic of bike racks and extra storage pops up quite often so thought I would stick this up.
My chief officer lives in Cork and has spotted a UK registered Zed, probably on holiday over there with a chrome boot rack. The owner had a large suitcase strapped to it.
I remember that there are a few discussions on these on the US forums but although the owner wasnt present he had a chance to look at it and thinks the fit was pretty good.
One to consider for those long excursions
Not strictly on topic but the council have removed our local recycling bins so I now have a 6 mile drive to recycle, it struck me the other day that somebody may be missing the point, a 12 mile round trip in 3rd gear driving a 3.5 litre V6 to recycle
Nice one bud, always good to step back and regroup, just to make you happier its dull and wet down south
Not down yer it isn't Good progress !
Remember bud, the South means London, the North means anywhere else