To be honest Neil I have stopped looking. The confidence in accuracy is stated as very low. On some sites they give rain and wind on others its calm and sunny. I think the problem with previous years is we were stuck in a large open field at the hotel so it was not nice. This year there are so many options we shouldnt have any problems. Even if you sit in the pub with a cup of coffee or a soft drink thats not a problem. I cant visualise you with a soft drink though.
The trip up on the steam train and then cruising the lake on the steamer isnt weather dependent so the options should still be good.
Also worth mentioning, and sorry to hijack to thread a bit Martin. Fletch will be attending LakeZ too. He is a mechanic and used to work for one of our traders. He has lots of experience although dont expect him to get his hands dirty on a holiday weekend.
Thats a great idea Martin. If you need anything a little more heavyweight my neighbour is very well kitted out with just about every tool you can think of.
Fantastic pics as usual. You get some really great backdrops over there. I am also pleased to see your forecasts are as rubbish as ours. It really annoys me as people miss out on some great days when they get it wrong.
The prganisers seem to take delight in sending out tickets at the last minute which is why I no longer arrange them, if I am not at home its a bit of a mare. Dont worry, they will be posted out in time.
Rich has just had a pretty serious operation so I just wanted to wish him a speedy recovery. As one of the most active area organisers you will be missed in the short term and I am sure the locals especially will be looking forward to seeing you back in the seat.
From the Team as a whole and all the members, get well soon mate.
The forum have also sent him a little pressie and a card to aid his recovery.
The photographer will be on site for the weekend and will be bringing his printing equipment, as such he can take shots and make you a copy while you are there.
I have been away for a couple of days Ian so just seen this. I am absolutely gutted for you mate. Getting this done to any car is bad enough but when its your pride and joy its so many times worse. I really hope you can look back on this as no more than a frustrating incident very soon.