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Everything posted by martinmac

  1. Saw you on my way to to the VTS building on the back roads along Regents Quay/ Pocra area.
  2. Oops, sorry to have missed this. I hope you had a great phone free day, we need to do curry again sometime.
  3. Three rooms left in the self catering building. A double ensuite and two times double plus a single bed. These two rooms share a bathroom. Be quick.
  4. If anyone is looking for self catering accom for Friday, Saturday and Sunday please pm me. I have worked a good deal with an establishment a few hundred metres from the event. Please note, this must be for all three nights. The comprises of separate self catering units in a shared building. Very nice, very reasonable and it will be a Zed exclusive building.
  5. I used to do at fair bit of sea and course fishing when I had the time. We also used to fish from the cargo ships when anchored around the world. This was pretty exciting as we never knew what to expect. I have caught tuna, sharks and all sorts of things. The best fishing ever was in the Falklands though. lots of lovely sea trout. We used to have to spin for them though as its generally too windy for flies. The only other fish down there were grey mullet which we also caught on spinners which surprised me. The one big problem with fishing down there is getting through the minefields to get to the rivers. Helicopters and landing craft do come in handy though.
  6. Drop me a pm with what you want and I will point you in the right direction. There is pretty much everything here.There is plenty to do in the area so the kids will be worn out by the end of the day.
  7. Many Happy Returns mate, have a great day.
  8. The Show and shine is just a generic name, a friend who is a motoring journalist does the judging and he has a free choice just to pick which cars he likes for whatever reason. The big news is the THE SCAFFOLDING HAS GONE :yahoo: The pub now looks even better. The pub will provide breakfast each day, bar snacks throughout the day and the usual high quality evening meals. Please remember, if you want to eat at the pub please book well in advance, it gets very busy. I will post up sample menus nearer the time. Have a look on tripadvisor in the meantime. The hog roast will be around 7pm on Saturday. There is plenty but dont wait too long, I dont put any limits on repeat servings.
  9. That would be great, there will be a few 300s there.
  10. Dont say I dont give you enough notice. A NW meet in your own area. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/77871-lakez-2014-27th-28th-29th-june/
  11. That must be a record, I have lost count.
  12. I am supposed to be based in Aberdeen if I ever get finished messing about with the new Forth Bridge. I will get a meet sorted out on the boat at Commercial Quay when things settle down.
  13. For anyone looking for accom. just pm me roughly what you want. There are lots of rental cottages, pubs, B&Bs, country house hotels. Michelin star restaurant/hotels, anything really. I can get cheaper rates for some. Heres an example to start you off. http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Search?q=cark+in+cartmel&geo=&pid=3825&returnTo=http%253A__2F____2F__www__2E__tripadvisor__2E__co__2E__uk__2F__#ssrc=v,o=0,c=global For this selection I have put in Cartmel as a search, thats two miles away. Do a search to get distances to the Rose and Crown. We have plenty of Taxis but they need to be booked well in advance. http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Hotels-g499539-Cartmel_Lake_District_Cumbria_England-Hotels.html http://www.cartmelvillage.com/accomodation.html
  14. There is no deadline at the moment but we have forked out for the tickets and track time so sooner rather than later please, I have Christmas shopping to do. Also once you have paid you are guaranteed the ticket, they are going fast.
  15. Are these going to be available at LakeZ next year, if you attend selling them you get a free jacket.
  16. There have been a fair few major maritime disasters recently and when they are reported the owners, charterers, environmentalists and governments roll out a never ending line of experts to argue that it wasnt their fault. Sometimes its nice to see that its possible to have a down to earth, frank and open discussion on these events.
  17. Once is bad enough. Very dangerous things too are these ducks.
  18. I Love my job, well most of the time anyway. I am lucky to get paid for playing with big toys and I guess the job comes with a little Kudos. Sometimes there is a picture which really makes me feel sorry for a colleague though. :lol:
  19. He is certainly a class act. I got a treble on him at Cartmel last year, two favorites and a real long odds outsider. Many years ago used to attend Cartmel with a big group of locals. One mate had a lad called Zak whou would have been about six at the time. His father didnt like McCoy and every time he fell on TV they both shouted " On the deck McCoy". Fine in the safety of your living room. We were near the top fence in the paddock, Zak was on another friends shoulder, right next to the rail. McCoy had a shocking fall and stuffed into the ground really badly. The whole crowd made the usual sympathetic noises apart from one little voice. From about ten feet away.... On the deck McCoy. My mate was a little embarrassed and shuffled of shouting " Hes not mine...... honest"
  20. 1. Marzman (1x Ticket + 1x Track Session) 2. Grundy225 (1x Ticket + Possible Track time) 3. 350Ad (1x Ticket + 1x Track Session) 4. Firemansim [ 1x Ticket] 5. Mike46 (1x Ticket) 6. HAMLNJ (1x Ticket) 7. Buster (2 peeps and one track please) 9. Keyser (2 x Tickets and one track please) 10.Mr Hollowpoint (1x ticket +1xtrack session) PAID 11.Mrs Hollowpoint (1x ticket +1xtrack session) PAID 12. Will370z (1 x Ticket) 13. andy james ( X2 tickets and 2 track sessions )
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