It may be worth you trying Midlandmars, they seem to offer a wide range of services and offer member discounts. There work looks very impressive and they will be at least able to give you some guidance.
Search midlandmars on here and with google.
The weather will be great as Im not there.
Have a good track session, dont assume the older models are slower though. Some of them spend a lot of time tracking.
And dont forget, lots of pics please.
I appreciate that many of you have just been very generous and have donated towards the Wales weekend so I will not pm you all asking for help for the LakeZ weekend.
If however you feel that you can offer a voucher for money off over certain amount it would be much appreciated.
Please pm me and I will register your support for the event.
I would also like to invite traders to attend for the weekend. There is no charge for this as I feel it enhances the event.