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Everything posted by martinmac

  1. I will section off an are for you and make sure it is nice and muddy. And remember, no togas.
  2. The room is yours Kev. I cant help it if i am popular
  3. I have block booked it mate. Just pm me.
  4. Do you fix scoobies two, Liz has reversed into another car and a wall ove the weekend. Bloody Midge frenzy. By June it may need a new back end.
  5. OFF OR UP Funny but wrong. That would be too simple Dave.
  6. Admit it, you were worried I would mess it up and delete you.
  7. Just posted a short video on there and a second later it crashed. They need decent admin.
  8. This is the first forum I ever joined and I was so exited aboout getting the car I didnt read any posts first and just registered using most of my real name. Didnt realise people had usernames.
  9. A massive thanks to Mudman for stepping up and taking this role on. The team and I am sure members will give a lot of support. :clap:
  10. I know this car and the owner well. Great purchase mate.
  11. Still 3 rooms left at Eabank which will work out a lot cheaper than anywhere else. Car meet, great gig and a days racing.
  12. If you banked the cheque it would be suggesting you accepted their offer.
  13. Do not bank the cheque. It will only help their case.
  14. Its never easy in the beginning but it gets a lot easier over time. I have driven the rubbish cars and been skint but it gets a lot easier over time. Looking at house prices now I dont know how people start off.
  15. Hi and welcome to the forum. The traders will sort you out. They are very good to us.
  16. Then again I get very good presents too, especially next year.
  17. The Falklands was an eye opener. Visiting Bluff Cove with some of the RCT guys that were there was a very sombre occasion.
  18. Two presents that friends bought their wives for Christmas. A wheelie bin and a set of bathroom taps. My wife is I think very lucky and gets good presents.
  19. As I undertand it a pension can be unlocked if you are over 55.
  20. And please remember that the team will be happy to assist with anything so its a matter of doing the legwork really.
  21. I have two sets of wheels and tyres for each car in the garage, one for summer and one for winter.
  22. If Mitz was on here when I started modding he would have retired by now. As said, internet banking is very handy.
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