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Everything posted by MAB

  1. The best I ever get is 23 !!!! Although to be fair it does go up on a long motorway run. If only it didn't sound so glorious over 5000 rpm I'm sure I would get way better.
  2. I had the snip immediately after having our 3rd (our fantastic bonus for being good) She is 8 years younger than her brother and sister. If your absolutely sure that you dont want any kids then I beleive the snip is a far better and safer way than for a histo. Although of course life throws a few curve balls, my wife and I split after 23 years of marriage and I have now met another wonderful woman. My point here is things change and the snip can be reversed. I met an old friend over the weekend and he had his snip reversed and he is now the very proud father of and 18 month and 3 year old boys. But if you ask me he must be mad to have young kids at 50. About the op :- It does NOT hurt. BUT you must rest thoroughly after it. Go to bed and stay there for at least a day. Good luck Mark
  3. Nope - looks exactly the same as MY06
  4. hmmm good idea - I would be up for it
  5. Oh yes please Reel them in !!!! Cant wait Mark
  6. As everybody has said, colour is such a personal thing. My heart would say Orange , but my head the grey. You can get anway with a bit more if you don't stand out so much. ps Welcome and enjoy
  7. Enjoy - Well I know you will !!
  8. MAB

    Surgery Needed

    A small crease (paintwork not broken) on the front wing of a Vectra and small scratches to paintwork and plastic bumper on an Astra
  9. It seems between myself and my other half that we are in urgent need of some cosmetic surgery on 2 of our cars (not the Z thank god) I have been searching the local area (Near Bracknell Berkshire) for Dent Busters or Chips away but to no avail. Does anyone local to me know of anyone who could help ?
  10. Welcome Chris, You will enjoy this place and the Z
  11. Damn !! How rude. Those posts were the funniest I have seen for a very long time
  12. Hey Laura, Did anything else happen regarding your South American benefactor?
  13. MAB


    Good luck with getting it sorted. As everybody is saying you will feel so much better when it's done
  14. 25% I just got a 5% rise Still good luck to you - more money for the Z
  15. Does that mean you wont spend all day on this site ?
  16. Iwas off the day we did emoticons
  17. Oh how cool is that. Thanks very much Mike
  18. I Just drag the icon over to the post , is that the right way of using them I always get the javascript message javascript:emoticon(':rant:') Rant
  19. can anyone tell me why I get javascript:emoticon(':angry:') Angry message whenever I use emoticons? Thanks Mark
  20. javascript:emoticon(':thumbs:') Thumb Up Welcome
  21. 28 javascript:emoticon(':headhurt:') Headhurt Back to school me thinks !!
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