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Everything posted by MAB

  1. Take it easy and enjoy! +1
  2. God - how frustrating - did you use BAC's
  3. I used these chaps and they were fantastic. The PC I ended up with is brilliant. http://www.pcoption.co.uk/pcpackages/in ... 0amdx2.htm Good luck
  4. MAB

    Very cheap Zed

    Nah, they are holding up okay. They dropped £250 this month in the book, which means they faired better than most cars. Don't PANIC Tis so brilliant having someone "in the know" Ta
  5. Its just a FANTASTIC car - v jealous. Sarnie - you are a Bar Steward though Now I have to think of how I am going to make enough dosh to get one !!!!
  6. A turquoise diesel convertible 3 series? What the hell would you want a turquoise diesel 3 series convertible for?
  7. I presume it means Model Year 2006
  8. no It does not sound like you are doing anything wrong. I like the other suspect a dodgy bluetooth connection which could of course be the phone or the adapter. The only way forward is to try a different phone and or a different adapter Good luck .
  9. I think you can actually store 100 names. You do know the instructions for the bluetooth are in the Z 's manual don't you ? I use a crappy Nokia 6110 ( I think or maybe 6130) and its absolutely fine
  10. I thought I would get over it .... but no !!! Still the same after 3 months - just LOVIN my Z
  11. And also potential customers, I need to get the Z serviced soon and am currently choosing between Reading and Basingstoke. Let me know how you got on.
  12. Yep - I will be there. Looking forward to meeting you all for the first time
  13. Fantastic and also (and I have always wanted to do this) tee hee
  14. Hi Jim, I was in Surfers Paradise in March (just south of Brisbane) and I did see a few Z's. Most were white, which I thought at the time looked decidedly dodgy !!
  15. Yep, Nissan ask to see full service history to "prove" the car has been looked after. If you ain't got one, then your request is probably thrown out! (even though its probably got nothing to do with your wheels!) That's what I'm afraid of! The previous owner had his first (9000mile) service done at 10600 miles. I could have doctored the paperwork, but chose to be honest! I'm waiting to hear from them over the next couple of days... Can 1600 miles really make a difference? If they try to say that the extra 1600 miles is the reason to turn you down then thats bollocks. You wheels would be in exactly the same state ->Not fit for purpose Had a call from the garage on Friday, Nissan have approved my warranty claim and 4 new Rays will be sent in 7 to 14 days time! Excellent! I can hardly believe how good the dealer has been with this, they needed very little persuading and didn't really argue with me at all! Looking forward to getting the new wheels on as I have a few kerb marks on my existing ones too. brilliant news are you using your local dealer. I work in beijingsmoke and will need to get a dealer relationship going soon
  16. yep - You got a good deal. I am interested to see why you said it worked better from the rear socket? I would have thought they would give idenicle performance ?
  17. Like that, cos you can just pull the panel down and ... Look no Sat Nav !!!!
  18. Easy Dole is EARNED If you do not have a job and are fit and able bodied then you do 40 hrs voluntary work for your dole. No work = no money. Almost everyone is able to contribute to our society and should be encouraged to do so! The spongers that you refer to will then see the benefit of getting a higher paid 'job' and move off the dole leaving it for those genuinely in need of it! Ming the PM Absolutely there with you Ming
  19. Gonna look great on the HULK, when do you reckon your's have them fitted with the pickies headed our way ?
  20. Me either, I have seen pickies of people going through windscreens - NOT pretty !!!
  21. We have had the belkin one for 6 months now, although I have not used it in the Z. Its been quite good, although I think it is very area dependent. We used it most on a road trip in Aus and it was fine, but I guess the airwaves are not so congested there? I think you just have to find the correct wavelength for where you live that has no other strong signal nearby.
  22. I find seat belts acutely uncomfortable in just about every car, so I just never wear them. I think it's more dangerous to be constantly distracted by the seat belt instead of being comfortable and paying attention to my driving. I can't remember how long it is since the seat belt law came in but I have never been done for not wearing it. Then again, speed cameras can't get you for that sort of stuff Are you sure you cant get done for not wearing a seatbelt when seen by a camera? I seem to remember someone being done for just that, although I could be wrong. My memory isn't what it used to be
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