Yep, Nissan ask to see full service history to "prove" the car has been looked after. If you ain't got one, then your request is probably thrown out! (even though its probably got nothing to do with your wheels!)
That's what I'm afraid of! The previous owner had his first (9000mile) service done at 10600 miles. I could have doctored the paperwork, but chose to be honest! I'm waiting to hear from them over the next couple of days... Can 1600 miles really make a difference?
If they try to say that the extra 1600 miles is the reason to turn you down then thats bollocks. You wheels would be in exactly the same state ->Not fit for purpose
Had a call from the garage on Friday, Nissan have approved my warranty claim and 4 new Rays will be sent in 7 to 14 days time! Excellent! I can hardly believe how good the dealer has been with this, they needed very little persuading and didn't really argue with me at all! Looking forward to getting the new wheels on as I have a few kerb marks on my existing ones too.
brilliant news are you using your local dealer. I work in beijingsmoke and will need to get a dealer relationship going soon