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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Went to watch saturday, first ime gold class at star shitty..seats were very nice lol!

    Thought it was good, no where as gd as casino royale and a film I watched last week 'taken' was ALOT better than it!


    I watched TAKEN, oh my god!!!!! brilliant film, not to stereotype thought some parts feeled me with rage like when he went into that building and saw what he did, made me want to go down to the nearest hand car wash place and beat up every albanian there :rant: not to stereotype of course :blush:

  2. I still really like it.


    Jay knows i like being rearended, so cant understand why he doesnt like it ;)



    WTF :surrender:

    Damn you and your changing posts! :lol:


    damn was hoping you typed that louis :yuck::lol::lol::lol:

  3. :lol:


    Im going with a friend as she sorted out tickets and asked me to go ;)


    I LOVE DIRTY DANCING! I am actually starting dancing lessons soon as the girls love it :teeth:


    Bro please stop you are doing yourself no favours :lol:

  4. :rant: That's the kind of thing that makes you want to spill her favourite perfume all over her favourite dress



    and then throw it in the river along with the rest of her clothes!



    :lol::lol: thats lame!



    Id put her picture on a huge billboard and say I AM A SLUT CALL.... and then her mobile number :thumbs:

  5. Hey, did you ever get your phone with the posh concierge service? :lol:



    :blush: broke it :headhurt:

    You they not have some kind of locator for that. I mean how the hell can you ask for help if the phone is broke! They should be able to detect its last whereabouts and send someone out with a new one :teeth::lol:



    :lol::lol: they would of but said james bond is too busy filming than replace the phone, they took back and I ended up coming to my senses and just got the Nokia Sapphire phone. Got to say even this phone which is under the Vertu is a shyte phone reception is crap!!!

  6. do not mock! I am not a take that fan but got taken along last year and it was one of the best concerts i've ever been to! As a 'show' it was brilliant - lots of great effects, pyrotechnics and lighting.


    Nixy > A Female with roller coaster emotions who prey on moments like watching dirty dancing and eating a whole tub of icecream and a having a box of tissues for when feeling emotionally sensative...


    Louis > poor excuse for a male.... with roller coaster emotions who prey on moments like watching dirty dancing and eating a whole tub of icecream and having a box of tissues for when feeling erm ... ..... ... oh look its Patrick Swayze ... yes Patrick.. yes Patrick... YEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!....



    I rest my case :p

  7. Last time I saw a guy with nailpolish on was because he'd been a cheeky toad, then managed to fall asleep at a really noisy party, so I just had to paint this fingers and toes. You don't even have that excuse, or do you???!!! :p:p:p:lol:


    I just thought if I did it people would accept me and think Im cool :byebye:

  8. ISP with Pipex - were OK before Tiscali took over - and then just gone downhill. Since July they have failed to use the correct DD when seeking payment from my bank - and trying to sort out with the robotic answers out of Asia that get you nowhere now means I have the hassle of changing ISP. Getting the MAC code was like the proverbial blood from a stone. :rant: Still undecided about a replacement ISP - any recommendations are welcome to suit a home/sole trader user, but with a UK based customer help centre please :)


    Sky TV - I have put up with blips in the sound/picture since a replacement box was installed a while back, knowing there would be a hassle getting it sorted. Yesterday I 'lost' most of the SKY+ features, although strangely I could still access recorded programmes. After half an hour+ on their 0844 number today all the Asian woman had managed to do was to lose everything (including touring car action I had been saving :angry: ) In fact the woman was more interested in what the weather was like here (when I could understand her) than fixing the SKY problem. Then she had the gall to say I will have to pay £65 for a call-out + parts. Result: I have cancelled my £40 monthly subscription and I will get the new Humax recorder due out soon to use with Freesat and I can use the SKY+ dish.


    http://www.humaxdigital.co.uk/global/ne ... 081023.asp


    With a one off payment (looks like £300ish) and no monthly payments, together with Freeview (its got the Dave channel and some others, Freesat hasn't)) that will give me most of what I am interested in. Compared with £480 a year for SKY, Freesat seems a better prospect now - and their call centre is in Brighton. :yahoo:


    Got that off my chest :surrender:


    My Aunti sends her apologies :blush:

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