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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Lol, Pingu got something up his sleeve? :lol:


    Yeh its a tough subject imo, whilst £5500 does sound inviting it is the thought of thats not all you will have to pay. Ecu will guarantee to set you back at least 1k and then some, then uprating certain areas to strengthen, so all in you are probably looking at 8 to 9k, then more services and so forth... With Jap import you dont need to do anything to the ECu I thought as its not self learning, so will accept upgrade which will at least save you 1k.


    Faster car is probably better option, but a 350z is so hard to beat on looks imo especially at that price

  2. It'll probably sell at that price to be honest.


    It's not to my taste but I like red seats!


    Im not sure, I think he has ruined this sale by starting high at 50k now down to 17k over a year and a bit, noone will take him seriously, if he keeps dropping perhaps this time next year it will be a fiver :lol::blush:

    And then you can have it back again :lol::thumbs:


    Wouldnt want that back, its the wrong colour :p




    Well i bought my car from japan i live in germany and work at the nurnberg ring fior a comopany that look after rich people cars that are to lazy to drive them over,i dyno it at work quite often i post alot of my result on 350z UK forum, well the engine spec is as follows,


    The heads where done in house by mines in japan along with the bottom end it has mines custom H section con rods custom pistion, i had to use a nismo cranksshaft machined to match the the bottom half to due minor difference in the block all the block and heads along with the component have been cryo treated to insure relabilty, the heads are done by top secret in japan and come complete with individual throttle body set up gold trumpet ones you many have seen them, the ECU the pain on the 350z is a HKS F-CON remaped in the UK of pump 100 octane fuel, the manifols are nismo spec R ones ported to match the exhaust outlets on the block, the i have 400 cell sport catt and run a APS 3'' dual exhaust. just to make thing sclear that is 470 bhp at the wheels gentleman not the crank, i have been to many meets in the UK and owned 700BHP twin turbo ones there is no substitue for a proper N/A engine hope that helps i will put sum pics up later on guys


    and then this


    http://my350z.com/forum/attachments/a/2 ... r-dyno.jpg

  4. Many times we hear people who want fi in their UK car, most of the time people dont know how to drive the car to its limit in the first place just feel that if they have a turbo they would be able to drive like a pro... like erm me ha ha. :blush:


    When I had my Z I was contemplating whether or not to get it turboed, and the fact that a P.E kit could be purchased and installed for under 6k really did get me excited. But... and its a big but, the ECU problem would have arisen. I just want to know if there are any UK cars that have been modded either by turbo or by supercharger that did not do anything to the ECU? Or is it only people who benefitted having a Jap import and saving on ECU remapping costs. Also did anyone find a reliable ECU tuner, who did it succesfully and didnt cost the earth. I only know of one person who I trusted but set back including fcon kit was about £1300 for the remap. I have heard many places wont touch it as its not so straight forward and fear of ruining the engine is quite high. If only I had a jap import :blush:

  5. It'll probably sell at that price to be honest.


    It's not to my taste but I like red seats!


    Im not sure, I think he has ruined this sale by starting high at 50k now down to 17k over a year and a bit, noone will take him seriously, if he keeps dropping perhaps this time next year it will be a fiver :lol::blush:

  6. thought price of Nismo was around £650 not £1000 :headhurt: At least thats what I purchased it for when Adam was selling em. K2 I think will have to about the 350-400 mark imo


    Nismo as increased from £850 to £1550 from ESR Jay, nismo have jacked the prices up on the wheels too. ;)



    :scare: serious?!?!? is it to do with $ to £ exchange rates? So wished I played a bit of the exchange when it was at $2.2 :headhurt:

  7. thought price of Nismo was around £650 not £1000 :headhurt: At least thats what I purchased it for when Adam was selling em. K2 I think will have to about the 350-400 mark imo

  8. hmm thats real bad if they say it like that, again if I went out and bought it and did a pre dyno and an after dyno it would not be believed in.. since I'm not a member for very long here and not on a proven dyno B)


    The words in bold has nothing to do with the fact of whether its believable or not. We are not a fraternity its an open forum and treat everyone equally, hence why its free to be a member, cos its open to all. And all opinions are taken in to considerations whether you are new or old, we are all equal, except Louis who suffers from hiding in the closet and Sarnie who has little big man syndrome :lol:


    If you buy because of its looks and for name sake to have cosworth under your bonnet then good on ya. Its a shame that the person previously who was selling claimed and estimated output without one shred of evidence to back it up. The majority of people would like some evidence into the claimed 24bhp increase in order to entice them into a sale. But for someone to turn around and say well buy it first then see for yourself, is not the kind of truth or dare game most of us wish to play especially at that price.


    By all means if you do a dyno test on this and post it on here, Im sure all of us would be interested to see the gains if any and can make our decision from there. ;)

  9. K2 looks B) if it beats nismo on price be worth it, if its the same then rather have nismo for the name value and resale enticement value. K1 was ear bleeding loud for me, really nice exhaust but the noise... WOW loudest on the market by far

  10. its a load of bo!!ox :teeth: about time someone just stated the obvious B) no need to thank me ;) Until hard proof is given there is no point in assuming or justifying the possible. The ECu is self learning, and even if you remap it, you could end up losing rather than gaining any bhp. But for looks you cant beat it, looks nice, but is this enough to warrent the price? Depends on buyer


    Hmm :headhurt: It can't be a load of bollix, sure they are advertising it to gain HP and if you think about it. Better and MORE air and throw in a bit more petrol and ignition timing BANG you got more HP... and the org ECU is SO safe it's ridiculous! Pingu2 will soon be among the tunables ;)


    Hi mate, I should of clarified myself, I meant the increase of BHP they claim it should give in comparison to other makes out there in order to justify its price, 24bhp ?!?!?!?! is a load of twoddle, and we waited ages for TDI to give any support for this, till it came to the point of well youll have to buy it to find out if its true :dry:

  11. its a load of bo!!ox :teeth: about time someone just stated the obvious B) no need to thank me ;) Until hard proof is given there is no point in assuming or justifying the possible. The ECu is self learning, and even if you remap it, you could end up losing rather than gaining any bhp. But for looks you cant beat it, looks nice, but is this enough to warrent the price? Depends on buyer

  12. Welcome to the forum Badger. :D



    I'll get flamed for this, but why not buy a faster car that is already manufactured to be faster than a 350z?

    Because it wouldn't look like a Zed. ;):p

    Fair comment. Im not saying that you shouldnt do it, i just personally would upgrade to something more powerful but could potentially be similar to the zeeee. i.e. AMV8 B)


    problem is though is that in dream world yeh but in reality thats a big hike in price compared to just installing nos :headhurt:

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