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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Tis a bit harsh mate IMO and also not that professional... Esp the bits about "contacting me whenever you want" and also the "Ha Ha's" Too much waffle and it dosnt detail what it has ie


    24" Screen

    2800 Pentium Core Duo

    500GB Memory

    2mb RAM

    Upgraded NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS graphics card



    Blah, Blah, Blah...


    Just MHO... :)


    Yeh I know Im Mr Unprofessional and damn proud of it :lol:

  2. You could create an illness.......


    I doubt anyone would check. Maybe not what you wanted to hear but it could work.


    I'll ask my girlfriend as she is a neuroscientist so she might come up with some mega brain disease!


    cheers pal, we are quite morbid really arnt we :headhurt::lol:

  3. Lol thanks all some great info there gonna use, just hope the actor I use can act out these conditions lol :blush: sorry to be a pain is it possible to have an illness which is obtained from birth perhaps a rare heart condition, if involving the heart would be great as can build that into the script metaphorically :blush:

  4. Hepatitis B ?


    Known as a disease which disrupts the function of the Liver, Hepatitis B is 100 more times more infectious as compared to the AIDS virus, and it destroys the liver for a permanent period of time, until inevitable death occurs. It is usually transmitted through the use of unhygienic medical syringes, or through the transmission of bodily fluids of infected individuals. The disease can prove fatal if the immune system cannot fight off the disease, and may result in the evolving of the more serious disease such as liver cancer or cirrhosis, and finally death of the individual. Most of the children in the US, suffer from this disease. Symptoms for the disease are nausea, vomiting, fatigue and severe unbearable pain circulating around the liver.


    Wow thats some info, only problem which I forget to mention, cant be sexually transmitted is this the case with this illness? Cheers

  5. Hi guys as some of you may or may not know/care for past 3 months I have taken up as a hobby/and for work the art of filming, directing and post production editing. Going to be doing alot of mini adverts to promote products and also will be doing as a hobby some short films. I just recently qualified as a Final Cut Pro certified user and Im taking classes in lighting and filming. Just purchased a canon xh-a1 and Arri full light kit as well as a jib and manfrotto tripod.


    Just starting writing my first short film called dislocated and I need a terminal illness condition for my main character. Did a quick poster for it here:




    I have been searching for ages to find a condition which is terminal will give my character two years to live he needs injections everyday and tablets, some days he is fine other days he is bed ridden...


    Anyone any clues? I was going to call up local gp to get some info but figured id ask here. The illness cant be noticable to the appearance of the character... :blush:

  6. thats a well executed Z very nice B)B)B)B) is yours a jap import or european spec that will help decide how easy it will be to chip your ecu :thumbs: if going turbo and not looking at engine rebuild I would highly recommend the HKS F-Con system, if you are planing on taking it further than that then no doubt you will need a HKS Pro kit, dont mess about with anything else imo

  7. Not sure whats happening but thought a few companies were going to reinvent old models or bring out promising new models next year...


    We had rumours of new supra:


    originally was this:




    but perhaps looked to much like Lexus LF-A so changed to this:




    Then you had talks of the Lexus LF-A




    and if Top Secret had their way




    Then you had talks of the Porsche Saloon




    Are any of these car going to materialised, one Im interested in is the supra and what it will be able to achieve.


    Also why is it production cars never look like the concept car???? Why do a concept car in the first place if its not going to be like that in production?????

  8. I looked at this option....but there are some real nasty interiors and seemed real hard to find a combination that i liked. Saying that though on my recent trip to the states i saw some real nice g35's modded just right.


    When done right this car can look sick!!!!








  9. Hi all I am in the market for a 350Z and would dearly love a GT4 i just wanted a few things answered for me,


    What has the GT4 got that other 350Z's dont, what colour do they come in ? what years were they released in and any other info that you guys can think of please :)






    its a bit quicker has a metal badge with the limited edition number, only know of yellow, black possibly silver not sure, has different alloys GT4 Alloys, comes with your own glamour girl who you can call upon 24/7 and she calls you her master and you can have your way with her. Be careful and get her checked out my the local GP if you are buying second hand. Thats about it really ...


    What is a chicken strip?


    protectors on the side of the bike


    nope :p they are crash bungs,


    chicken strips are the strips of the tyre that you have not lent the bike over enough for it to wear away the rubber.


    as you can see on the back tyre close to the edges there is about an inch?? (not sure in measurments from the photo) of tyre that looks a different colour, those are the strips.




    Damn was having an anchorman moment then :lol::blush:


    brian fantana: what in the hell'z diversity?


    ron burgundy: I could be wrong, but i believe that diversity is an old, old wooden ship from the civil war era.

  11. Liam has a point, with an uncertain future on car prices, going for one that has lost most of its money now and holding for a year is probably the best bet.


    Hows about 56 plate Astons, £45k or less. DB9's for only about 5k more, and a 54plate or slightly newer DB9 can be had for around £50k.


    360's (early ones at least) will have lost most of their money, and 04/54/05 Gallardos have lost a fair proportion of theirs now too.


    What about having a cheap 350z for a year, and putting £40k into a repo'd house from an auction, sit on that for a couple of years and see if the market takes an upturn. My brother and I are visiting a property auction on Wednesday to get a feel for the volume/prices of repo's and fire sale houses around here.


    Have a cheaper "fun car" that wont lose as much money, while sitting on an investment that has the pottential to go up in value, which will assist fund the dream car in a year or two..


    you have pm bud :thumbs:

  12. You can bargin really hard with BMW reps. They say they do not need to discount but in reality they are being hit hard and a M3 is a car difficult to shift.


    Base price is 55k so I would want atleast another 5k off that price.

    They will show you list price of the options which is bollox as that is "list" for new and yours is not new.


    Ask them if they will take into effect the prices list for options on your trade-in one (if you have one) the answer is no so why let that effect the price you pay for the BMW.


    If the monkey does not want to move on price, then ask to see sales manager, if he says the same walk away as BMW direct have http://www.bmw.co.uk/bmwuk/auc/car_deta ... 050PL66538


    Note the Customer Service for BMW is the best I have recieved in my entire life but the cars can still go wrong so get from a dealer not Boyz-Toyz


    cheers for the sound advice mate, the car i found is from a bmw dealer so will see if they will budge lower, am interested but then just trying to think about this lodgically if its worth it, logic has never been my strong point :lol::blush:

  13. lol, thought M3 was classed as sports car, 360 use to be my kind of car but when I saw in person, it just screamed, look at me, Im a knob, I just drive cos of the badge but dont have a clue about cars...


    damn that does sound like me :lol::blush:

  14. Okay Im not a bmw fan but I have secretly always liked M3's and just looking at the new 08 M3, there is one at a garage near me with 3k miles on it all black with red and black interior, my kinda style, and might be tempted to get it for a bit of fun for a year till I wait out getting my dream car, anyone know what they are like? Fun to drive or any known problems with em.


    Cheers be open to any advice :blush:


    Link? price?


    I love em mate, just don't think they are worth anything near the list price........


    no link to the garage bud only one can find that it matches is this one here




    garage said would do for 48k

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