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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. that was the only downside to my car, nothing worse when you have it lowered and every bump you go over you pull that face waiting to hear that scratch noise and expecting the worse. Mine was so bad any uneven parts of the road and Id scrape it. Measured it was 1 and a half inch of the ground :headhurt:

  2. Let me correct u buddy................ he HAD a very nice zed and he was an idiot to let it go :p

    had to let it go as little bro use to cry saying that his car will never look good until mine is out the picture, see what i do for you jay :p:lol:


    2 be honest i hardy use the nos but wen i do its AMAZING 100bhp straight after 3000revs :teeth:






    really nice car mate, B) but a 100 shot at 3000 revs :scare: the safety margin is 3500, and at 100 shot is this direct port or single? be careful bud :headhurt:


    Cheerz :thumbs: Yeah kicks in after 3000revs so its about 3400-500 revs im sure..


    Got it fitted by nemesis performance so they know wat thre doin..


    Nice one, lloyd and guy sorted mine out too, very good guys :thumbs:

  4. i take whey isolate between meals, and add it to say porridge for breakfast (mint chocolate mmmm) and casein before bed or if i know i won't be eating for a few hours. Trying to consume 6 - 8 meals a day to speed up metabolism and take in enough protein. Trying to lose fat also achieve positive nitrogen balance best i can. I can't physically force enough normal protein down me hence powders. Plus it contains multi vit :)


    Nice B):thumbs: I got to shed a few pounds, trying to keep my balence alkaline but its not easy, especially when KFC gets in the way :surrender::lol:


    2 be honest i hardy use the nos but wen i do its AMAZING 100bhp straight after 3000revs :teeth:






    really nice car mate, B) but a 100 shot at 3000 revs :scare: the safety margin is 3500, and at 100 shot is this direct port or single? be careful bud :headhurt:

  6. LOL I put a link up for a pre-suplement drink and how did the convo turn to roids:lol:


    Stay off the gear IMO, few guys where I train had some major issues...remember these were designed for horses not humans!! Look at arnie now lol



    :lol: Very true.


    Regarding protein, do you guys look into whether the protein you are taking is either a whey isolate or just standard whey protein? Anyone accidently taking casein protein directly after training or for breakfast?

  7. Get yourself some of this (superpump 250) and read about the rave reviews....my strength has nearly doubled since using this and been putting on the pounds easily! Gaspari got a brilliant rep...quick 300ml mix half hour before your workout and you'll be wanting to hit weights harder than ever before!! I thought I'd get ready for the summer but think next month will be peak at this point..


    http://www.sshealthfoods.com/pages.php? ... QgodIkR8cw



    Testosterone and Growth Hormone??? :scare:


    you only live once!!! :yuck:


    Two types of growth hormones bud, the natural one which re-stimulates the hormone you are naturally born with which normally slows down in producing around 21-24 years of age and is from natural herbs, these simply kick start it again or you have the HGH, human growth hormone, which is the crazy one and one I would not advise which is simply excessive amounts normally derived from other animals and this causes over time possible feature changes, jaw lines and foreheads and other bones start to grow out of proportion, you end up looking like a freak and proned to Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease CJD. the two are very very different. Testosterone tablets again is normally from natural herbs which speeds up your aggression levels thus increasing strength and endurance without many of the nasty side effects you get from chemically enhanced drugs like steroids. Except with testosterone enhancers you are likely to speed up baldness and suffer from acne like a teenager does when going through phases of adulthood.


    Best way, stick with all natural base stuff, only thing I touch is protein and omega oils, it got me into Mens Health magazine in 2004, so it cant be bad staying natural and feel healthy. To many people I know go down the quick route of steroids and HGH and have regretted it. If you are a bodybuilder fair enough, but if you are doing it for the ladies.... its very rare to find a lady who wants a big muscle bound vein popping steroid head with a bad attitude


    I would consider it twice before posting on something so important and potentially dangerous....

    There is only one type of HGH in your body! Everything else either makes your glands produce more HGH or is HGH itself (or your body turns it into HGH)....same goes with testosterone...and what you said about testosterone is more or less right....for both hormones there are average values for a male adult of a certain age....and you can use supplements to keep yourself near the top average....but that means often blood tests and consultation with a specialist....


    Whoever thinks that taking loads of a natural product will not harm him is at least stupid....cocaine can be a natural product...tobacco is a natural product...weed even more (lol)...caffeine and so on.... why dont you try and drink 30 espressos in one day and if you make it you can post your answer....



    Havent got a degree in Physiology for no reason.... ;)


    There is only one growth hormone in the body but there are two major ways to stimulate it, either herbal (natural base) or via expensive nasty bio engineered stuff what is often refered to in the gym as HGH even though its a misconception as you said HGH is not a form of substance you take its something you naturally produce. Im dyslexic so perhaps didnt get my point across as well as I wanted to. And when I was refering to natural base substances I was meaning natural herbs that stimulate growth hormones and not the bio engineered one that is normally derived from other animals to replicate our own. Never said anything about taking loads of natural products, just saying stick to natural base products in the context of the area you wish to improve in. If you want to improve your skin for example, you would look at things like neem, something within its context, nothing to do with tobacco????


    I may not have a degree in physiology, but I have trained 12 guys on the MMA circuit, all of which are at peak physical conditions, we have 1 nutritionists, 2 fitness coaches, 1 plyometrics coach and 1 exercise physiologist, I have been advising my guys for over 5 years and explaining the dangers of certain drugs enhancers... so rather than consider it twice before I post, Ive in effect considered it for over 5 years ;)


    here's one I trained earlier



  8. Lol not sure if it shrinks manhood. It definatly shrinks your testicles and you will run in problems when off the steroids. Let me explain,


    Steroid artifically fills your body up with testosterone (alot of it), you will become highly active sexually due to the increase amount of testosterone in your body. Since you are producing so much of it, your testicles function eventually cease to produce because the brain is telling your body you are producing to much testosterone stop producing... problem is, your testicles end up shrinking because it is being told to stop producing, whilst you are on steroids you will still have plenty of testosterone, but when you come off, you will hit a big wall, you will have no sex drive and more likely to put on weight as testosterone also helps you burn fat quicker. So you get fat, have no sex drive and and green peas for balls... can decrease your chance of producing kids.


    Insecurity is the biggest reason why men go on steroids, I was tempted at one time but then I had to recheck myself, why do I want to do it and who for? If you can answer these questions honestly you will understand there is no point, its a temporary fix for your insecurity, and most men I know who take it are worse off than when they started. Be natural... be clean... and live a good healthy life. :thumbs:

  9. Get yourself some of this (superpump 250) and read about the rave reviews....my strength has nearly doubled since using this and been putting on the pounds easily! Gaspari got a brilliant rep...quick 300ml mix half hour before your workout and you'll be wanting to hit weights harder than ever before!! I thought I'd get ready for the summer but think next month will be peak at this point..


    http://www.sshealthfoods.com/pages.php? ... QgodIkR8cw



    Testosterone and Growth Hormone??? :scare:


    you only live once!!! :yuck:


    Two types of growth hormones bud, the natural one which re-stimulates the hormone you are naturally born with which normally slows down in producing around 21-24 years of age and is from natural herbs, these simply kick start it again or you have the HGH, human growth hormone, which is the crazy one and one I would not advise which is simply excessive amounts normally derived from other animals and this causes over time possible feature changes, jaw lines and foreheads and other bones start to grow out of proportion, you end up looking like a freak and proned to Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease CJD. the two are very very different. Testosterone tablets again is normally from natural herbs which speeds up your aggression levels thus increasing strength and endurance without many of the nasty side effects you get from chemically enhanced drugs like steroids. Except with testosterone enhancers you are likely to speed up baldness and suffer from acne like a teenager does when going through phases of adulthood.


    Best way, stick with all natural base stuff, only thing I touch is protein and omega oils, it got me into Mens Health magazine in 2004, so it cant be bad staying natural and feel healthy. To many people I know go down the quick route of steroids and HGH and have regretted it. If you are a bodybuilder fair enough, but if you are doing it for the ladies.... its very rare to find a lady who wants a big muscle bound vein popping steroid head with a bad attitude

  10. I'm a graphic designer, DJ, run an Ebay and Internet Business, and sometimes teach Martial Arts.


    I think I need a lie down...




    (Sarnie what's your area of Internet Businessness?)


    Sweet what martial arts you teach?


    My main background is in ITF TaeKwonDo but I also currently do Shaoloin Mok-Gar Kung Fu and cross train in a few other styles on and off.


    Part of my Ebay biz is selling a couple of books I put together for TKD. I'm also invloved with a couple of MA Newsletters


    Just wish it made me enough cash so I could quit working for someone else full time! :thumbs:


    ITF = nice proper TKD :thumbs: WTF crappy fairy bandits jumping around like gay fairies with legs flinging in the air imo :teeth:


    :lol::lol: So true!

    Just a shame the Olympics don't show ITF. When it was on everyone was like ' Oh thats what you do?' I was like Nooooooo!



    :lol: I will never understand the points system of WTF, its like you can punch but you wont score points, they might as well ducktape their arms to their sides as they bounce into each other whilst trying to kick its hilarious :lol: I enjoy ITF. I gave up with Kyokushinkai similar thing, cos you cant punch to the head yet they call it full contact the ultimate karate system... erm ... I dont think so... :headhurt:

  11. Im looking to buy a print machine for tshirts at home, but I dont want transfer machine as think they look cheap and tacky. Anyone know of any good machines that prints directly on shirt and will last, I like the look of vinyl prints on tshirt but know you are limited to what can be printed. Figure might be someone who has experience in this field on here :blush:

  12. I'm a graphic designer, DJ, run an Ebay and Internet Business, and sometimes teach Martial Arts.


    I think I need a lie down...




    (Sarnie what's your area of Internet Businessness?)


    Sweet what martial arts you teach?


    My main background is in ITF TaeKwonDo but I also currently do Shaoloin Mok-Gar Kung Fu and cross train in a few other styles on and off.


    Part of my Ebay biz is selling a couple of books I put together for TKD. I'm also invloved with a couple of MA Newsletters


    Just wish it made me enough cash so I could quit working for someone else full time! :thumbs:


    ITF = nice proper TKD :thumbs: WTF crappy fairy bandits jumping around like gay fairies with legs flinging in the air imo :teeth:

  13. I was going to say you are often seen soliciting in Aberdeen but then thought wiser. Thought editing Jays post would be a better idea! :thumbs:


    Wise choice :boxing::lol:


    That is so insensitive of you stew, to view women like that. Just because Cara has a good job does not mean we can view her as a sex symbol... god honestly I can't believe you guys, you make me sick, Cara is on here because she shares a common interest in cars, just because she is female does not mean we have to act like cavemen when she posts something like being a solicitor for career... even if she does wear a pinstripe suit, low cut top, short mini skirt with suspenders and high heels, hair down fringe seductively browsing over her glasses, legs that go all the way up and in my imagination seductively seducing me with her eyes as she tells me Im guilty and will be punished... oh god... Ive done it again... :blush: mama

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