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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Had my medical check-up at work today.

    When I pulled into the med center carpark, I was spotted by the ladies that work there and when I got to reception they all mentioned what a nice car I have.

    I thanked them politely, when one of them produced a plastic cup and told me to wee in it...



    :lol: reminds me when someone I know got given a cup at hospital and the nurse said we need a sample to run some tests, he looked at her wierd and she went you know... you go to the toilet in this as we need to run some tests, he went of came back and the look on her face.... number 2 :scare::headhurt::lol: my sides hurt so much I cried in pain laughing, was one of the funniest days of my life, the nurse put her face in her hands and was speechless, he looked at me as Im still rolling from one end of the unit to the other trying not to wet myself :lol::lol: He aint been back since, not the brightest bulb :lol:

  2. Saw this on another car forum and couldnt help but think of Jay (zedrush)




    I couldnt stop laughing :lol:



    :lol: I know this guy met him once through a friend up town, his name is scott alexander he lives in Manchester, the guy is not the full ticket, see what I mean:





    look at his cars



    he is on so much growth hormones and thinks he is it and more



  3. I also admit to the pancake rabbit being a complete mystery.........


    however, loving the slapping one - I will be using that rather a lot I think! :lol:


    Think there should be a limit on how many times Nixy is allowed to use the slapping Icon, otherwise Im screwed :blackeye:

  4. Anythign from KFC ;)


    We need to start a club :lol:


    How about this for a snack


    Toasted brown bread with...


    spinach, hashbrowns, mozzerella cheese, chicken breast, salt & pepper, grilled peppers, tomatoes, pesto melted served with coleslaw and potato salad and oven cooked chips on the side.... :wub:, a little healthy, a little fattening and wash this down with banoffee pie .... :wub::wub::wub: and a diet coke lol :lol:

  5. QUoted from an unknown source:


    The bunny with a pancake on its head are posted in response to threads that make no sense.


    The captions on the graphics say, "I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a bunny with a pancake on its head,"


    It's just silliness responding to silliness.


    Maybe get them glow in the dark balls that go on the ends :thumbs:


    Has anyone seen them bars you can get under your skin like in the back of your neck? Or subcutaneous piercings?







    WTF!!! :scare::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck: thanks you put me off any body mods altogether now

  7. I believe... If my knowledge serves me correct its something to do with an old chinese saying...


    So the story goes, as you know chinese love crispy duck pancakes... but little to their know, eating too much duck makes you hallucinate, and since chinese all keep pet rabbits, they started believing their pet rabbits were ducks, and since ducks were a becoming extinct and they were desperate for duck pancakes they started to try and catch their pet rabbits with pancake lassoos... hence why you have a rabbit hopping with a pancake on their head. Kinda like catch me if you can, and teasing you with its tail....


    But then Lord Lau Gar announced the banning of this because rabbits were going to be extinct if this continued and he loved the film Watership Down, so in celebration of this banning, every year they have a contest where they still try and catch rabbits with pancakes but instead of eating them they feed them ducks... Hence reason why now ducks are extinct and rabbits roam the earth as free animals, they dont even need visas :scare: But they still need bus passes, hence the famous saying, to be or not to be that is the question... :wacko:



    In short I aint got a clue what this icon means :blush::surrender:

  8. merci bucket mr zedrush. ;)


    as for the french talking on the amp, maybe its a preprogrammed testing loop. i.e. its putt on so that they can test an amp with speakers with out having to connect up a radio.


    if so you may have flicked a switch on somewhere or somehow activateda programme.


    what is the french person saying. maybe its the clue to turning it off?


    c'est fantastique! je ne suis plus le seul frenchie dans cette communaute! :yahoo: Ca va la toi rtbiscuit? du viens-tu? tu ne pas rouille du tout! cest des mois que je pas parle ou ecrite en francais donc excuse mon enthusiasme :D


    OOH sorry Nordic GT before i get carried away :blush: . yes i do agree with our resident french translator that if you could somehow tell us what is being said then we will be closer to helping you :thumbs:


    ca va bien merci, i'm glad you've been able to use your french, it must be difficult not speaking it for so long. i'm not french, nor have i been there since i was about 12, just try and pick up what i can. i lived with some french people at university, they taught me french i taughtt hem english. i haven't properly used it for ages, and my understanding of words is limited in places. but always welcome an enthusiastic french speaker ;)


    où sont vous d'à l'origine?


    C'est super !!! car je parle francais aussi :yahoo:

  9. Zut alore!!!


    il a l'air d'un grand problème, un je ne peux pas aider avec comme mes services dans l'équipement audio sont très limités. mais je peux vous aider avec vos traductions françaises si cel'aide, bien que je sois un peu rouillé.


    pas mal B)

  10. Bloody ell :scare::scare: Think I saw this before, didnt he brake his hand on the landing? Also can anyone remember that link where three college kids went up a huge crane and were freehanginging? I think tha clip and this clip made my hair stand on end :headhurt:




    edit... found it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA8lyvarnRc


    Yes you are right, I'd forgot that. If I remember right he's from New Zealand & the leader of a group of riders who do shows. Back flips are like second nature to them.

    That other video is sick. The second guy didn't look like he'd got the strength to lift himself back up - nuts. :scare:


    Newzealands are crazy mofo's but although he is good on the bike, he doesnt come anywhere close to this guy... he steals the show Imo



    Amazing driving skills

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