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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. my messages icon has gone missing :surrender:


    Hmm - that may be to do with amending the text to make it red.


    Seems your browser doesnt like standard color="red" html either.


    Why oh why wont browsers just f'ing work properly.


    Firefox for world domination! :bounce:


    I like Safari :blush:

  2. :scare::lol:


    DJSickboy missed the a marker as well I think :headhurt:



    Yep I did :rant: I litteraly touched it but on the wrong side and only realised it a thousand miles too late, I wondered why I was losing so many places everyday.


    But,.. my first boat and favourite Brideys Beauty finished 8478, so I am quite happy, I would have done better if not for missing a weekend filming in London with Zedrush on the last platform project :blush:


    Excuses ... excuses :lol::p Was so funny watching you get stressed out, and Im sure me roling around laughing didnt help :lol: sorry mate :blush:

  3. BTW had a great Cheltenham made money each day, one day we'll have to have a game of cards.


    Not bad myself had that Ninetieth minute at 16/1 ;)


    Flat season starts on saturday which i really enjoy :yahoo:


    Playing my tuesday poker tournament tonight ;)



    Glad you got sorted :thumbs:



    Well... according to hoyle, I had an ace in the hole and it hurt, so I decided to play ainsworth but he aint feeling great so I called on the alabama night riders but had a cheese, so decided to check out...


    sorry I aint got a clue what Im saying so looked up glossery poker terms just so I could fit in and contribute to the conversation :blush:


    Jesus loves a tryer :lol:

  4. i really like the gradient in the banners. It's all down to personnal taste but sadly i think Zedrush is in the minority


    Hi Mike I really like the gradient just that on mac server it was showing up with a black banner inbetween the two logos, so they were not connected, hence why on my image I corrected putting the gradient back in, didnt realise this was already done for pc users so my bad. I cant fault this site at all it really is a brilliant job and appreciate the hard work chester has put into it

  5. There is a slight gradient to the background of the header bar - in order for the images of the forum logo and the orange Z not to stick out like sore thumbs, they have had their backround filled with the same gradient.


    There must be some issue with the way that the background image is loaded for the main banner that is causing it to be solid black, resulting in the other two images (whose background is fixed, and not generated from a 1pixel wide strip) causing the issue that Jay must be seeing.


    May struggle with that one as its coding for a mac browser, which may as well be Chinese to me. :blush:


    Yeh sorry mate, in safari shows black banner in firefox shows gradient my bad

  6. Not sure how to sent a private pm as wont let me type name in the to box, just looked at the banner, sorry if im being anal I know its easy for me to sit back and nit pick, but honestly I am in awe of the work you have done. Just slight highlight on banner




    Im an idiot I know, sorry for pointing this out

  7. I have two offshore accounts. ;)


    Why? What's the benefit? I'd always thought it would be cool to have one, but never understood why. It'd just make me feel like a suave dodgy business type :D


    Id be interested to know this two, minute you bring the money back in youll get taxed surely, unless you spend outside the UK within the country the bank is in? If you dont mind saying :blush:

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