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Everything posted by Zedrush

  1. Ouch, glad you made it through mate rather the car than you.
  2. Amuse or this one but not sure if it is fibreglass still looks great though
  3. Just read this, I think the test I linked is not a great one,I dont think it guarentees an accurate I.Q result based on the questions alone. From this I.Q test you can see that it tests visual intelligence, with systematic cognative thinking and general creativeness (which dyslexics would excel in.) I have a degree in classical studies, but am highly dyslexic and with it scoring me 139 there is no way Im of superior intelligence. If you get a low score in it, doesnt really mean anything, so don't worry Even people with low I.Q scores can be really succesful. Look at president Bush just kidding
  4. Does anyone know what the scores mean, I looked up on google and Albert Einstein was like 190. I just did another free I.Q test and scored 132. I dont think these are true representations of our actual intellect. As Richard Branson is 112 and yet he must have some savvy to earn all those millions.
  5. Hi, just wondering, I wonder if 350z members are bright sparks. I think in general we should be as we are wise enough to admire a fantastic car Just done the test and scored 139 Have not got a clue what this means, I think it is average give it a go: http://uk.tickle.com/test/iq.html and post your scores
  6. Yeh I saw this the guy is an idiot. Fair enough for sticking up for his wife, but he should know what the show is about and realise that they were gonna pin on him. He is such a loser. I saw an interview with him and he is so up himself, kinda person youd wanna knock out.
  7. Hi mate welcome to this site, look forward to seeing pics of your car. Filling your pants, ha ha sick. But I know what you mean, you will absolutely love your Z mate
  8. Thanks all for the comments, Ill come to as many meets as possible so you can all see it in the flesh it does look much better in the flesh. Just got to get the wheels refurbed. Ill get pictures up of the ice install once its all sorted.
  9. I had the seats uprated as the original seats were recaro bucket seats and they were an absolute nightmare to get in and out of. You had to lift yourself over the side ridge of the seat but in doing so youd bang your head on the roof. So instead of going for the normal seats which look like they come from a ford fiesta (no offense) I chose these. I paid 18,400 for the car as was at a Vauxhall garage, and sold it for 19200. Not a bad days work.
  10. Cheers Please stop with the compliments really youre too kind
  11. Cheers mate, mine has water on the inside gonna see them tomo, hopefully get it under warrenty wish me luck
  12. Yeh they are good my dad just sold his Amazon, 4.2 VX. Big jeeps. Great achievement mate. Wish I done something like that.
  13. I cant believe I actually crack up at that joke How sad am I Awesome pictures, thats a bloody huge arial to have on the front of the jeep what on earth is it for?
  14. Ha ha, they were called baseball stitching seats optional extra
  15. also see: http://www.419eater.com/html/trophy_room3.htm well funny, look at the guy with Holy Cow Father Ted
  16. Hi mate okay all is explained at this link check out the pictures: http://www.419eater.com/html/trophy_room.htm well funny
  17. ha ha post em up. Dont know why I use this pic, just reminds me of going in Blockbuster video and saw a dvd to rent the weeping camel and the picture had me and my misses cracking up see full size: http://www.dailyinfo.co.uk/images/cinem ... -camel.jpg
  18. Hi mate I had this done to me with my Nokia phone, its a Nigerian scam, delete bids immediatly. They bidded on my phone for 650 quid was not worth 200, They then asked if I would send phone to Nigeria, as it is for their partner. They slowly get information from you, I.e Your full name and address through asking several questions via email and phone. they will say they will send you a cheque as proof they want to buy and will ask for your address. They will send you cheque but cheque will bounce. then they say they will do a bank transfer to save complication and ask for your sort code and account number which is harmless as appears on all your cheques, but then bingo... they have now enough information to withdraw large somes of crash from your bank. All they need is your full name billed address, bank details, and somehow the bastards can rip you off alot. I learnt from this and did what one clever guy did and asked for pictures of them holding up signs to you. I got someone to send a picture holding up a card which I told them was a greek word for honest which was ****. and guess what the stupid idiot did it, does not solve the sale, but is bloody hilarious at their expense Delete them and put at the bottom off your ad: not racist but please no Nigerian scam artists, your bids will not be tolerated. It will act as a deterant.
  19. This was the car I had before my 350Z. This was my add when I sold it: http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/121601.htm Just found out the guy I sold it too has just written it off. Car was found on its head, Driver was fine. Maybe I should have a funeral for it???
  20. Cheers geeza does 0-60 in 4 days
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