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Everything posted by Zedrush

  1. I think Zed owners are a different class of breed, we are not that gullable Do feel well sorry for the ford people though. Wonder what they would get on the I.Q score?
  2. mate, take your time in looking for the right Zed there are plenty around. If you rush into it you could end up with one like: http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/123383.htm Let the force of the Z guide you young one If going for a Jap or private get RAC to check it out first, that way you get the maximum out of your Zed with less hassel. Last thing you want is your sweet memories of owning a Z is going back and forth to a garage
  3. Yeh but better food is not going to change their income or expenditure,plus healthier food puts them in better light. The War for example and over a million votes against it and a standing outside parliment and still they went ahead cos of oil and building contracts after blowing everything to smitherines. If it lines their pockets then they will go ahead no matter what people say. Gordan Brown already said that he knows of these petitions and he does not care for them much as what has to be has to be. Just posted my name up again and its now come up twice think it just might be a blimp in the system.
  4. Zedrush

    New Maser!

    I really like it alot, how much and how much bhp. Silver with the red interior cant really go wrong with that combo either
  5. You are now banned from the cool gang
  6. Mexican oh and Wagamama is might favourite Jap restaurant. Aparently there is a Japanese restaurant in london where the food is served on naked womens bodys. Gotta take my girlfriend there for our next Valentines meal
  7. Id love to but you wouldnt be able to handle the respect you get for having one. You gotta join the cool gang
  8. But you can also check the whole list every name issued and its not there !!
  9. I have heard so much on this lately, so sorry if I am repeating what someone else has said or already posted. I posted my vote at this address: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/traveltax/AC ... jm333AZQSk to go against the fact the Government wants to tax us per mile we drive and also charge us to install the tracking device that would measure this which will cost around £300 Now I went back to see how many votes there were and my name was gone, along with 7 of my work colleages. I have asked around and same thing has happened I know several people who posted a vote and their names have been removed. I emailed and written to the site and have heard nothing and that was two weeks ago! Now I here that even if there are alot of people against it, it will not change Labours views and they will go ahead with it anyway, just like they did with the war What is going on with this country, its getting ridiculous, I think they are taking names off so that the overall count is not great, but even if it is they will go ahead with it just so they can line their pockets. I have just spoke to my family and friends and have said that if this comes into play, with all the other crap stuff going on in this country i.e over population, high taxes, stronger laws on the innocent, closing hospitals, Home Office problems, Peodophiles being let of cos overpopulated prisons, then Im moving to Canada, and taking my Zed with me. Tony Blair and Gordan Brown can go screw themselves !!
  10. Wonder if it is Jap import or American??? I know company is American dreams, plus the guy selling it has given the least amount of information possible, sounds dodgy to me
  11. Kid is bloody quick, but bet he cant reach a porno off the top shelf !!!
  12. Hmm Easy listening: (excuse spelling) Morcheeba Super Dupa Love Joss Stones (bit gay for a guy but good with woman in car) Paolo Nutini Marvin Gaye Heard it through the grape vine My Girl Temptations Tracks of my tears Smokey robinson Stir it up Bob Marley No woman No Cry Bob Marley Being with you Smokey Robinson Man in the Mirror Micheal Jackson Micheal Buble Home (again bit gay but you have misses in car so shoulbe ok) Faithless Cant get no sleep Groove Armarda Sting Every breath you take Roxanne The Police Tears in heaven Eric Clapton George Micheal Careless Whisper UB40 Red Red Wine UB40 Many Rivers to cross Phil Collins Another Day in Paradise Dire Straight Brother in arms Phil Collins True Colours Phil Collins You cant hurry Love Kate Bush Hounds of Love The Commitments Take me to the river The Commitments Mustang Sally Heres a few Okay now theres enough there for someone to rip into me, come on let it begin
  13. Hi mate welcome to the site. Yeh this one has been posted before, its chavtastic. Sad, the owners should be reported to the RSPCZ Royal Society for provention of cruelty to 350z
  14. Any one see them Kids who were scoring 170 on T.V. Genius but wierd. You could tell they didnt fit in with society, had abstract view. So what is the highest you can get in this particular test that I linked to, is it 144 or can you get 157. I may have to eat my words with Wimpy boy lol just kidding
  15. To be honest, the driving experience in these are really crap. It was a 240 Quattro sport, looks the part a little ( felt like a hairdresser) The driving experience is incredibly boring. Its four wheel drive and for the guy to tople it he must be a retard. It was so so boring to drive, no thrill, no umph, no wow factor Thats why I got rid of it, and when I got the 350z I almost wet my pants, far superior when it comes to the experience, raw fresh power, lovely to drive, great handling, you feel part of the car, where as the TT, just felt like I was Chauffer driven
  16. Mate seems like you told a little fib A for effort though you fooled me
  17. Check the reading meet thread in the meets section dude I will be there cool
  18. You are still a geek yeah because i know what answers not to put!! Damnit! You still going to the Reading meet? I told my girlfriend to come but she said shed feel a bit out of place cos she thinks its a guys thing, do guys not normally bring their misses? She loves cars ?
  19. Just done the same test again, trying to get the lowest grade possible, got 81 can anyone beat that? ahh now thats an accomplishment
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