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Everything posted by Zedrush

  1. For what? Because this is a perfect time for him to lead to the next stage of scamming which would probably be, Thankyou everybody for your advice, I will collate all the items that I will sell individually, let me know if you want first dibs on any of the items I am selling. I accept paypal or can do it by bank transfer, for starters, here are some pictures of the items I am selling, prices shown. Prices are low because I have a sick mother who needs hospital care and desperatly need the money to pay for her care. If you think prices are too high then pm me and I can offer a lower price. Any contribution would help. 3.5 V6 engin only 9000 miles £450.00 Rays 18" Wheels + Tyres £250.00 Leather seats £90.00 Exhaust £30.00 I will have the rest of the items shown soon, and more pictures once my camera is fixed, as is broken and is at the store now. Thanks all If Im wrong about this guy then fair enough, but its funny how after everything ive said he hasnt bothered defending himself, not once.
  2. funnyjas where have you gone, I wanted to play
  3. Trust me its so worth it, lovely food, Im not into seafood which most people associate to Japanese food, but there is so much more to it than that.
  4. Hmm just called Direct line, they said its rare they will give third party to cars exceeding 12k in value. Suspect?
  5. Totally agree, But love Japanese food If any of you get a chance go to wagamama and have the Katsu Curry, its out of this world: Check link www.wagamama.co.uk There might be one near you.
  6. No worries Im gonna take pictures, some of the kids will be there might give one of them a tenner if they give it too her, all sweet and innocent just kidding Ill give it too her and get my girlfriend to take a picture. Not sure if I should humiliate her and then ruin everybody elses night if she stormes out or give it to her in a package as will be framed and let her open it later. Knowing her she will have a special unit who checks packages for bombs, so they will probably open it, and then have a good laugh and maybe one of them may sneak to the press with the picture then bam, on the cover of the Sun news paper, we could blow this baby huge Your name on the cover, then you become a celebrity and be invited to parties, then ask to appear in Big Brother and then...... Wow, Im dreaming again my imagination has warped a little Best quote wins, plus I will also deliver to your door a silver 350z fairlade to the lucky winner as well. will post pictures of it as proof if you want, Im so serious Haha, i like your grammar, are you from London? lol Oooh i want to be in big brother, NOT! Give it to her meaning the picture you swine
  7. No worries Im gonna take pictures, some of the kids will be there might give one of them a tenner if they give it too her, all sweet and innocent just kidding Ill give it too her and get my girlfriend to take a picture. Not sure if I should humiliate her and then ruin everybody elses night if she stormes out or give it to her in a package as will be framed and let her open it later. Knowing her she will have a special unit who checks packages for bombs, so they will probably open it, and then have a good laugh and maybe one of them may sneak to the press with the picture then bam, on the cover of the Sun news paper, we could blow this baby huge Your name on the cover, then you become a celebrity and be invited to parties, then ask to appear in Big Brother and then...... Wow, Im dreaming again my imagination has warped a little Best quote wins, plus I will also deliver to your door a silver 350z fairlade to the lucky winner as well. will post pictures of it as proof if you want, Im so serious
  8. By the way, just wondering, somethin I do a lot a bit random, what nationality are you cos your syntax says you may not have lived over here that long. Apologies if this question seems rude.
  9. Yeh if you sell it in parts you probably get a bit of money back. Maybe people on here interested, but be warned, there are scammers around which we know of, so if you don't post pictures of exactly what you have of each item, and not ripoff pictures from google images, or spoofed pictures as we can tell, no one on here will buy. And no one on here will pay you by paypal, or give you their bank info, or pay you by bank transfer. it will be cash on delivery or on collection after item is inspected. Sorry if I come across harsh but don't want same incident as what happened on other club owners sites. Thats if you are planning on selling on here, otherwise take lomoto's advice, try selling on ebay, you are sure to make some money back, or see how much a salvage yard will take it or post it for free on pistonheads.
  10. Well, since you keep pestering me for it every month I tithe my earnings 10% to an orphanage charity, it just so happens that the particular charity I tithe to is holding a special event this summer and have invited me along to it since I give a lot to it. And as special guest, Cheri Blair will be attending to cut the ribbon of a new premises to help give the poor mites a better lead in life. Since im not too keen on the fact that Cheri Blair is gonna be there, (shes an idiot) I promise that the best caption will be printed out along with the picture and given to her and her feller as a gift, and your user name will be printed on it so she will know who to thank, every time she rolls over in bed to turn her lamp shade off a probably take out her dentures, she will see, framed in all its glory the caption you gave. What a treat that will be
  11. can someone please ask me what the prize for the best caption is, cant hold it any longer, gonna explode! :kicking
  12. absolutely love this car and if i had the money would i get one??? no, cos i still wouldnt be able to afford the up keep of it. Even though its not the same class, id spend the money on a R34 with about the same BHP, and the money id save id buy the world biggest bouncy castle with it. Better still ill hold out and wait for the price to drop in the 30K region hopefully in my lifetime and get one then
  13. suprised no one has asked me what the prize it
  14. Okay anyone out there comes up with the bast caption for this picture will win a fantastic unbelievable prize
  15. Zedrush


    ill buy you a pint at the next meet
  16. Zedrush


    Ignore me having a blond moment
  17. Does this club issue us with spotted cards so that we can go out and place on other 350z to say join 350-uk?? As thats what the other site seems to do
  18. Zedrush


    I have contacts in china who can do excellent quality printing on hooded tops, t-shirts, vests, hats, bags, stickers, e.t.c. Minimum quantity is 500 per products, mixed sizes and colours. Prices are very low FOB, might be able to get CIF prices or have a logistics company I could recommend too. I use several manufacturers for my fathers company and have contact details if you want me to pm you some.
  19. Sorry to hear that mate, I dont have kids (yet) but can understand must frustrating.
  20. Thats pretty much how much it will cost if I have to get new ones. I took my car down there on monday, I find out tomo If they will cover it, wish me luck all.
  21. Zedrush


    Dude you have duel personality or was that a hyperthetical question?
  22. Sod it Im going to vote conservatives. What on earth did Tony Blair expect with congestion on the roads getting worse, if he hadnt let so many immegrants over into this country which constitues to an increase of 33% road users 11% of which are not legal road drivers, then our congestion would not have been so affected and bad. Prisons wouldnt be so over populated and crime wouldnt be on the increase. He allowed for example immegrants to carry their driving license over here, and Immigrants who break the law dont go back to their country they go to prison over here. Like that Nigerian who raped a 16 year old girl was put into prison over here, cos they couldnt send him back to his country cos he had people after him, and cos after 3 month prison was over populated they let him go with a slap on the wrist. If I ever meet that guy god help him. Labour has ruined this country, when the world cup was on I had an England flag up and I had a knock on my door, it was the council who told me to take it down cos it was offensive to Muslims???? WTF Im not saying its all down to immigrants but there is only so much beer you can put into a pint glass if you catch my drift. And by the way Im not racist, if it justifies anything, my father is Indian, and my mother is french and Italian, but lived in England most their lives. Just pig sick of this system. Its no place to raise my 350z in
  23. .....cue the Gary Glitter jokes.........
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