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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. It's a shame really, I was going to give him\her a lesson in english grammar and spelling...


    Nothing irritates me more than people that live here, but have not made the effort to learn the language properly.

    I am chinese and have made that effort, so you won't be hearing "Beef flied lice" outta me.


    Total facepalm moment tbh...


    lol....weird I always imagined you to be a white guy when replying in your threads, nothing gave it away......bet there is plenty of folk on here I think are white and turn out not to be... :lol::lol:


    Guess what colour I am :teeth:

  2. But if you're whinging about running costs, you can't afford to buy a supercar - even a 60K GTR. End of story - there was no way something with the performance of the GTR was going to be cheap to run.


    No disrespect and without sounding like a complete and utter A$$HOL£, I could afford to buy 2 of these right now


    If we didn't know you Jay I'd be sitting thinking a$$hole! :lol::lol::lol:


    :lol::lol::lol: after I typed it I thought "what a W@^ker" :lol::lol::blush:

  3. But if you're whinging about running costs, you can't afford to buy a supercar - even a 60K GTR. End of story - there was no way something with the performance of the GTR was going to be cheap to run.


    No disrespect and without sounding like a complete and utter A$$HOL£, I could afford to buy 2 of these right now, and Id still be whinging about the running costs of it. Its a Nissan, fair play to performance but service charge is a joke, which ever wealthy level you look at it :dry:

  4. One of the workers just got back from lunch and bought a packet of soup... what the hell were they thinking and how on earth would you market it, well I did a poster ad for them lol, just emailed it to them to seewhat they think. :lol::lol::lol: No this is not me holding it, its a work mate before you ask lol





  5. Hi bobby I understand what you are saying, but Nissan parts dont warrant Ferrari price tag, nor do Nissan customer service come close to that of Ferrari, Porsche or Lambo customer care, hence amazes me how they can asked for similar service charge. If its half the price of the top supercars, then the service should be halved too. Its only half the price cos parts are cheaper than that of its competitors. Just my opinion, gorgeous car though and performance is spectacular, just shame of all hidden costs B)

  6. :band:


    looks nice, but i'd be worried about the service costs and other "hidden" costs. My boss at work cancelled his the other week as he has had enough of nissan, they provided no customer care nor made him feel like your family did. He is now the owner of a Gallardo spider.


    Have to agree with you Louis, lovely car though Lulu your father is a very lucky man, but how on earth can they justify the service costs is beyond me, as its close to Ferraris and Lambo's yet its a Nissan :headhurt:

  7. I've heard of internet grooming but this is ridiculous..... ;)


    damn it, PanosTheGreek pm'd me saying he has puppies and a bag of sweets in the boot of his car and would i like to see them... guess I fell for it again.... :bangin::lol:

  8. It takes a REAL man to drive such a girlie coloured car....




    R :lol:

    It takes even more of a man to drive a girls car ;)


    if you classify a girly looking boy with a high pitched voice barely reaching puberty as a man then you are doing yourself no favours mate :lol::p JK ;)

  9. To be fair to Liam, hes not Jay, so he might actually turn up :lol:


    you cheeky bugger :lol: Sarnie got a z before me :bangin:

    But hes come to Wales before :p:lol:


    Yeh but Wales is up north near him, for a southerner its quite off putting, they speak a different language there for starters, heard stories where people have drowned cos the welsh spit when they speak :scare::headhurt::lol:

  10. We have a couple of sets of these at our gym, but the women used to virtually que up to get on em! i think i had only one good sesh on them until a couple of weeks ago, when we got one of the Galileo vibrating boards installed, now they are "always" free ;)


    Do you find its mainly women and Louis that use the Galileo vibrating machines? :lol::lol:

  11. Next thursday?


    Yes i am sure she was a woman, she was ALL woman ;) I have decided that older women are the way forward, isnt that right Nixy? ;)


    :lol: she is my agony aunt as well,


    what is it with you and clubbing during week I have work next day :dry:

    Ok, then the friday?


    She isnt my agony aunt, she is my flirt woman ;)

    :lol: she's gonna murder you when she reads this PMSL :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  12. Next thursday?


    Yes i am sure she was a woman, she was ALL woman ;) I have decided that older women are the way forward, isnt that right Nixy? ;)


    :lol: she is my agony aunt as well,


    what is it with you and clubbing during week I have work next day :dry:

  13. :lol:


    Where is louis, will have to give him a ring and make sure that mature woman he picked up hasnt molested him too bad :surrender:

    She did actually Jay, so much so i am scarred for life!


    back on topic - this wasnt me :thumbs:


    PMSL you sure it was a woman, when we going clubbing geeza he's turned the club from Pangaea to Vendome now

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