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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Im thinking of getting a full respray on my car, in metallic black, how much should I save for this? thinking black as have red leather and want carbon fibre hood :wacko:


    RED LEATHER ?? any pics ?? :)


    Yeh I posted up pics in a previous post along with my veilside full wide arch kit, did you not see the custom trim?

  2. :welcome: congrats on the zed



    unlucky about the primer colour........!! :teeth:


    Welcome mate congrats on the Zed best colour, silver is primer GM is just class and apparently scientists have researched that the GM when deflecting the wind actually increases speed a point second quicker than the other colours because the chosen paint molicules actually react blah blah blah blah, yeh was never good at chemistry :blush: enjoy it mate :thumbs:

  3. Off I go again tomorrow back to California... but after that I'm heading to deepest, darkest Arkansas... Bentonville to be precise :tumbleweed:


    I'll be away until end of May, when I come back for a blat to, round, and back from the 'Ring :yahoo:


    Anyhoo - all the best on your meets whilst I'm away, wish I could be there to meet the new faces and "check out Minel's new hood" :headhurt:


    L8rz :byebye:


    Hi mate have a safe trip bro, keep your ears open if there are any new modifcation ideas coming out for 350z, and bring us back some pics of scenery and women :teeth::teeth::teeth:

  4. Just got off the phone to DVLA Swansea, they didnt seem to know anything as usual except the person who I spoke to Craig said that he has heard that statement to be true, if the indentation is smaller then a smaller numberplate is allowed. How cool is that Veilside rear bumper indentation just fits 12" numberplate :thumbs::thumbs:

  5. Hi welcome mate excellent choice of colour, dont think you will lose power, just that any gains is rejected by the cpu I think there is a thread about this look in the search part, I could be wrong. Good luck with it mate, hope to catch up at a meet. :thumbs:

  6. IMO I would sell with the standered alloys and sell the 18" on ebay. You wont get much more for the wheels, and resellers always prefer the car to be as stock as possible, unless you have something unique about it that would up the price like a supercharger, wheels unfortunatly dont cut it

  7. well the whining comes for the SC, not the intake!


    Ive heard a 350z stillen audio and sounds pretty impressive. What are we looking at for twin turbo. Heard that they are pretty unpredicatble at going wrong though and that was from the Sumo people themselves

  8. Yellow is gay :p


    Its all about Gunmetal. Its agressive its sleak its quick. Anyone thinks different are gay :p;)


    Thats quite an intellectual statement I just posted there, how mature of me :blush:


    You saying i am gay? :boxing:;)


    Every yellow car except Beavis cos he is redeemed cos he has nismo exhaust. :blush:;)

    so has sarnie :teeth:



    Sarnie is not Beavis :p:teeth:

  9. Yellow is gay :p


    Its all about Gunmetal. Its agressive its sleak its quick. Anyone thinks different are gay :p;)


    Thats quite an intellectual statement I just posted there, how mature of me :blush:


    You saying i am gay? :boxing:;)


    Every yellow car except Beavis cos he is redeemed cos he has nismo exhaust. :blush:;)

  10. Yeh yeh funny with the gay jokes, ;) its Sarnie who's fixated on that, think my missus will bash his ear in at the next meet :boxing::lol:


    I asked around and a snotty co worker said that by law if there are no indentations for the plate to go on then you can display in your front windscreen, and any indentation that restricts the standard legal plate requirement, then the nearest size to that indentation will be justified. :dry:


    Is that a **** and bull statement or can anyone verify this? :dry:

  11. Got stopped by the Traffic police today, because I had my hazards on (was thanking someone for letting me through and forgot to turn them off. :bangin:


    Police were okay surprisingly and just stopped me for a quick routine check. Made sure car was owned and insured, name and address match e.t.c...:dry:


    I began to get worried because as some of you know my numberplate at the back is not legal size (12" x 4") and the front was only on show in my front windscreen,wedged between the dash and screen. :scare:


    They started checking my tyres asked me to turn the wheel, checked air pressure, checked the darkness of my window tints, then they examined the numberplate. :byebye:


    As the police looked at them they didnt say nothing they just said everything is fine and legal, and let me go. :huh:


    Got back in the office about 30mins ago and feel like ive just been in the twilight zone.


    Can anyone explaine why I didnt get fined?????? :wacko:

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