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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. I am just in the process of starting up a new buisness, and the money I was gonna spend on a Supercharger (6k) next year Ive had to plough into the premises I bought to get things running quicker on the company. Just something that can bring in a little bit extra cash. (and no its not a strip joint :teeth: )


    So was wondering, I just want a bit extra power so was thinking of a remap... only problem is is that Ive heard so many stories of engines blowing up Im kinda scared to tred down that path. Has anyone here got their engine chipped or is the engine to sensitive for such a procedure.


  2. what if like me, you buy the car and not care about the colour, just want to get the ride at the best possible value.




    Would you care if the car was lime green?


    yep, lime green would be fine... I have had orange, white and gold coloured cars, I am not afraid of a bit of colour...

    no doubt I would be tinting the windows though... :blush:


    how bout yellow with pink spots?

  3. Have a great time mate, I want some Nike trainers and yeh a Tag Watch. and a nismo exhaust and an engagement ring for my girlfriend. Also want some food from Hooters, with one of them waitresses, and oh yeh I expect the food to still be hot by the time it gets to me thankyou. :teeth:



    The combination should give some interesting results B)


    Bad combo :crutches:

  4. Have a great time mate, I want some Nike trainers and yeh a Tag Watch. and a nismo exhaust and an engagement ring for my girlfriend. Also want some food from Hooters, with one of them waitresses, and oh yeh I expect the food to still be hot by the time it gets to me thankyou. :teeth:

  5. Came across this on the radio this morning on KISS 100, well funny went to the site, really have to change my car colour now ahem... :blush:



    People who own the following 350z colours are said to be the following:


    RED: People who like red tend to be tigers in the sack. They are easily aroused and enjoy sex in every way imaginable. Once the sexual spark is ignited, it may take hours to extinguish. When two reds get together, the ensuing erotica could make Lady Chatterly blush. Lovers of red tend to be aggressors and weaker colours should be aware.


    YELLOW: If you tend to favour yellow, your sexual drives are complex and turn toward the adaptable. The favourite colour of homosexuals is yellow (ahem hi Sarnie :teeth: ). But don't panic -- not everyone who wears yellow is gay (hi Beavis). In most cases the person will consent to the stronger partner's desires in a passive manner. You will never enjoy sex to the fullest, but you will never turn down an invitation from somebody you enjoy or admire.


    BLACK: Black colour preferences point to black sex (not necessarily meaning black partners). These people are the misfits of the sex world and seek out each other in kinship. They tend to prefer perverted sex and are usually masochistic or sadistic in nature. They are moody people and often perform at their peak when under stress or during unhappy times. Police psychiatrists claim that sex offenders prefer the colour black. And it is no coincidence that the uniform of monsters and teenage gangs is black attire.


    GREEN: Those who prefer green are fresh and innocent in their approach to sex. Women who love green will always make love like virgins all their life. And a man may always be a trifle clumsy and awkward but in a charming and endearing sort of way. Green lovers are gentle, but not passionate. If chosen as a mate, one will never need worry about infidelity.


    ORANGE: Lovers of the colour orange lean toward sexual fantasies. The sex act is regarded as a dramatic one-act play in which they are the star. Foreplay is as important as the act of love. They whisper sweet nothings, meaningless dialogue; they feel it is their image. Orange people often do not experience orgasm -- but they put on a darn good act. Men tend to pull their partner's hair, and women leave red welts on the sex partner's back.


    GUNMETAL/SILVER: The colour grey is preferred by people who are indecisive. They can't get excited about anything -- including colour -- so they choose a noncommittal shade. Men who prefer grey look at sex as a way of relieving tension -- but nothing more, nothing less. It's wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Women don't make love, they have intercourse. And for one of two reasons only: to accommodate their mate, or to become pregnant. They count the cracks in the bedroom plaster until the sex act is over and done with. But when teamed with another colour, the grey spouse considers the other's infidelity a blessing. When a grey marries another grey, the marriage is made in heaven.


    BLUE: Lovers of blue are wonderful sex partners. They are sinners, affectionate and sensitive to their partner's needs. They consider love making a fine art and their approach is elegant. Men who love blue are like concert pianists, delicately ravaging their partner like they would play a baby grand. Women in the blue category enjoy sex to the fullest. They are exciting partners but their passion may be compared to a tidal wave rather than fiery aggression. Both women and men enjoy foreplay and the aftermath of lovemaking, as much as the sex act itself. In marriage a blue person is a wonderful mate -- never seeking outside interests.


    WHITE: If a person is infatuated with white, sex often seems filthy. These people are puritanical in nature. French kissing is obscene and to make love in the daylight in unheard of. Women who love white will undress beneath the covers. Men will shower before and after the sex act. These people still use pet names for their genitals.


    By the way guys dont take it out on me I didnt come up with this a group of highly qualified psychology examiners did. Spraying my car red




  6. post up that you are coming mate in the NW Drive out topic then you will be written in bold :thumbs:


    Already have I think :wacko:


    Hi Zedrush,


    You on the list for Wales, but not confirmed (in bold) yet for numbers. If you definitely coming then let us know and we'll change it to bold. Just as some put names down a while back and trying to ensure confirmed numbers for Sunday lunch/ directions and maps.


    Just let me know and I'll do it for you if not sure :thumbs:


    Yeh put me down in bold am definatly coming mate

  7. have you seen how well it fits into the nav cubby yet?


    Thats why I bought another 350z dash with cubby so I could modify it to fit, just dropped the unit round my mates house now to fit it all in prep for weekend. :yahoo:


    The cubby hole when tested fits the monitor fine, its just trying to keep in place so it looks stock, he is a handy man and will figure this out, he is also a whizz kid when it comes to electricals and fibre glassing. Pics will follow. We are seting the whole unit up first with speakers amp and sub outside the car, running of a a 12v power supply, once we see it working its just a matter of installing it in the car. He is also going to do my headlamp change overs and HKS induction kit install and kinetix plenum install at the same time. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

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