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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Presumeably this builds upon Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory :yawn:


    Ahh a fellow scholar, hmmm ahhh, yes....not forgetting Piaget's child development stage theory of cognative developement. :yawn:


    Nah Im not a geek I think I just picked up random words from my degree and stuck em together when I blacked out :lol:


    So your higher education wasn't completely wasted then? :p



  2. Wont get close to his spec, not wanted to, but just want to know what he has cos my brother has alot of AP stuff 4 pot brakes e.t.c... already, got alloys rim, think he just wants to find out if its worth getting a supercharger or TT, and what else he can do within that region

  3. I have had:


    White (A couple) (One with a red Starsky and Hutch stripe LOL)

    Red (A couple)


    Grey (several)

    Blue (several)


    Light Green



    I am sure there are a couple more that escape me at the moment.

    So what does that make me except F**KED up!! :wacko:


    What gets me :angry: is that ALLEGEDLY some bunch of clever numpty's spent god knows how long AND god knows how much deciding on this load of old TOSH!

    G G and Proud of it!!

    Ming the Grey (Faithful, passionate, horny, decision making, risk taker.)



    Actually its to do with the cognative response of your id and ego persona collected from about the age of 11 when you start to establish what Piaget ( developmental stage psychologist) coined as "hyperthetical deductive reasoning" which drives your subconscious inner wants coupled with your aggression chemically charged from your mendula obligater, which ultimatly responds to an appropriate colour to match your cognative makeup. In effect, it is the impulse fruitation of a typical pathetic phallacy, hence colour choice can be juxstopsed with your inner desires, or cognative makeup. Your whole deontology could therefor in effect be summed up by just one choice, and that choice is the choice of colour...........


    Whoa, what happened I just blacked out :blush:



  4. nice but far to big. Please make it smaller or it will be removed.


    Maximum size is 100 pixels high by 500 pixels wide.


    Also Zedrush please make sure you keep within these requirements when designing other members sig pics.


    Many thanks


    Sorry mate will do

  5. don't they have to provide a UK number plate that reflects the year of manufacture/sale?


    therefore an 04 should get a xx 04 xxx number plate, surely... :dry:


    hmm, well my log book says date of first registration 03.. all good, date of reg in UK 10/06. But the 1yrs tax last october was £210, not the £190 you guys sound like you have paid??


    I guess ill just have to wait for that renewal to drop through the door and hold my breath!


    I recently bought my year tax disc it cost me 190 :wacko:

  6. Before I got my Zed I was gonna get a TT Supra, I was in the middle of ordering it through total imports and was gonna spend ££££ on it to make it look exactly like this:




    everything the same, wheels bodykit e.t.c, and about 350bhp pushin with few mods. Only thing is, the car would of been 13 years old and although its quicker the headaches I would of had with it, something was bound to fail and go wrong with it considering the age. So when the Z came up I immediatly jumped ship and havent looked back. May not be quicker, but my goodness, it certainly has the feel of look of a fantastic car :thumbs::yahoo::thumbs: + not forgetting the great Z community ;):yahoo:

  7. Many thanks to Zedrush who did me this for me. Its easily the coolest signature on here. I will buy you a drink on the drive out! :thumbs:


    The boys a genius B)


    Ahh cheers mate its pretty easy to do, Im not the greatest at it, Im better on illustrator but is okay for photoshop. Gonna do a mad one for Beavis next week, will be much better. At next meet ill bring my laptop and show anyone who does not know how to do it, pick it up in no time ;)


    you can give me a lesson mate , I can barely switch a computer on :thumbs:


    no worries mate ill do my best im not that clued up either dont worry ;)

  8. Many thanks to Zedrush who did me this for me. Its easily the coolest signature on here. I will buy you a drink on the drive out! :thumbs:


    The boys a genius B)


    Ahh cheers mate its pretty easy to do, Im not the greatest at it, Im better on illustrator but is okay for photoshop. Gonna do a mad one for Beavis next week, will be much better. At next meet ill bring my laptop and show anyone who does not know how to do it, pick it up in no time ;)

  9. UPDATED WITH PARTICIPANTS as of 30/03/07 09:30


    Latest updates....


    1 beavis (+1)................................... Ultra Yellow GT4 Coupe

    2 M13KYF (+1)................................. Azure GT Coupe

    3 lomoto (+1) ................................. Sunset Coupe

    4 Chesterfield (+1)........................... Ultra Yellow GT4 Coupe

    5 Ruby slippers (+1)......................... Blade Coupe

    6 Digsy (+1)..................................... Blade Coupe

    7 TheMinel ....................................... Azure Coupe

    8 AndyC (+1 poss)............................. Azure Coupe

    9 Kai (+1).............................................. Blade Coupe

    10 D4V3 GT4 (+1)............................. Kuro GT4 Coupe

    11 stuey...........................................Kuro Coupe

    12 Kev .............................................. "Guest" BMW 6

    13 Zedrush ...................................... Chilli Coupe

    14 bluelady....................................... Azure Roadster

    15 redzed (+1)................................. Chilli

    16 Liam's Z (If not to rough)............... Kuro Coupe

    17 Zzzz (+1)..................................... Gun Metal Coupe

    18 Morg........................................... Chilli

    19 Jacko ......................................... Azure GT Coupe

    20 letank87 (+1)............................. Gun Metal Coupe

    21 mini ...........................................Gun Metal Coupe

    22 sgdavies .................................... Blade Coupe

    23 davestan.................................... Gun Metal Coupe

    24 jonathan73 (+1 pos).................. Kuro GT4 Coupe

    25 D20NNY (+1).............................. Blade Coupe

    26 Sarnie........................................ Ultra Yellow Gt4 Coupe (Nismo)

    27 GlenMH (+1).............................. Azure GT Roadster

    28 Tim Barks (+1)........................... "Guest" LM blue GTR skyline

    29 choptop.....................................Blade GT Roadster

    30 hanel......................................... Azure GT Roadster

    31 stevie_350z.................................... Kuro Coupe

    32 Nana Moon..................................... White Coupe





    since when have I had a chilli red 350z??? :rant:;)

  10. 410 quid including all hardware?


    pretty cheap - I have spent more for sure!



    Hi mate that is for everything including mini mac intel duo 100gb 1gbram 1.6 hrz hardware, comes complete with (multiregion dvd, itunes, imovie, airport, bluetooth,windows vista, satnave the whole works) 7" touchscreen lcd, adapters carnetix, software (most free frontend) Alpine headunit single cd player aux in (to handle the sound and to have radio) a second 350z middle dash incase I mess things up hacking away and installing screen into cubby, everything.


    Here some pics took to show it working outside, proper pictures will be taken on the day with it fully setup outside working fully and the inside the car:


    The lowest spec mac mini (lower than that one) is £400 by itself, £72 for the screen, Vista license is another £70....etc. etc.


    Struggling to see how you got £410!


    My friend, ebay is a wonderful thing. Mini Mac brandnew is 399 for 1.6ghz, second hand you can bid and get far far cheaper and yet still looks and performs brandnew if the seller has good feed back. Vista program I got from work since the licence covers it. Think I got the mini mac for 210...screen 70, spare 350z dash 20 quid and the rest on leads, ac/dc e.t.c... Seek and you shall find ;)

  11. Yeah definately worth considering too.


    Just been looking on pistonheads and guess I can get about a grand more than these guys are offering. Certainly tempting to do that and get a hire car. Do hire car companies whack customers doing high mileage? I do 60 miles a day round trip to work atm you see.


    I think that is one of the first questions they ask mate, estimated mileage

  12. There is no doubt I would get more privately the unique problem I have with private sales is I cant predict when it will go. I need to be able to cleanly cut over from my Leon to a Zed, as I need the funds from my sale for the purchase of a Zed and I cant be without a car as I work on client site. This way I can tell them when to come and get it and I can arrange to get the Zed the same day.


    The site does seem legit, but I will be confirming with HSBC to make sure they are a valid trader. I do think its funny they try to reassure ppl with - "you will recieve email confirmation from HSBC" - as its so easy to spoof an email, I used to do it all the time at uni scaring ppl with emails from "admins". However, I have seen several legit places review it, autoexpress being one, and another reference from a Yorkshire paper saying it was a new startup company. I would hope my experience of the matter (IT Consultant and have an MSc in Computer Science which inc internet securities) would me I could spot a fraud.


    Cheers for the advice guys. :D


    Hmm tough call mate, maybe Sarnies idea of getting a cheap runaround in the mean time will be a good idea, fair enough may cost you a couple of hundred but in my opinion youll make money on the private sale to cover that plus an extra few quid to cover the loan for the car. Making your repayments far quicker than doing a straight swap with a trader.


    Good thing is with a load from the bank the more you pay off the more interest decreases, wherteas loan with a dealer, the interest always stays the same no matter how much you manage to pay off.

  13. Sounds dodgy to me too mate, but Im always suspect of anything and everything and Ive been wrong many times. What year is it and how many miles you done and colour?



    Why not post it free on pistonheads I sold mine in 4 days after post. Dealers and online people will always offer you up to 4k less than what you could get privatly, its not their fault they got to make a living. Id sell it private mate, but carefull the more desperate you seem in selling it the less you will let it go for so you need to be patient. Keep in your mind what your lowest selling point is and dont go below that :thumbs:

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