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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Cheers mate, yeh dad works really hard so he treats me my brother and sister now and again, He picked it up from Project Khan 2 months ago. My mum picked hers up from there too last january. They do awesome cars. Really nice inside too its Brabus tuned, Brabus body kit, 6litre monster :thumbs: But mums is quicker lol, shes a speed freak

  2. I love private plates, Heres mine I paid 188 plus 80 pounds transfer :thumbs:





    My dad paid alot more for his numberplate:







    My mum has D1 CAT on hers Ill post pics soon once I get a camera working

  3. I hope the RAC repair the damage they caused.


    What a crap day


    Nope called up and said that its not their fault the car is so low and modified. they are use to picking up cars of standard lowerage.


    So I will have to take to my local to fibre glass mend and spray blend over. Should only be a hundred I hope. :dry:

    That doesnt stand to reason. Fair enough they cant do lowered cars, but the point is they tried and failed. If it was the case, they should have said it was too low and not even tried. Thats neglagence on the RAC pick up drivers behalf.


    But as you say more hassle than its worth trying to chase it up :thumbdown:


    Hope you get it sorted soon and get the piccies done :D


    +1 They shouldn't have tried to lift it...full stop


    +2 If they know certain cars will be to low then they shouldn't be trying. They can't wriggle out of it now unless you gave some sort of disclaimer to say you were told there was a risk your car could have been damaged and you told them to try anyway. Arseholes! :rant:


    No the guy just looked at it went might go on there and said we can give it a go. Never talked me out of it or said we shouldnt try. Said that to RAC customer care and they said he would of advised me not to try, and the guy didnt. So with that its my word against his even though I have a witness my ex. But then if it goes to court and my girlfriend finds out she will wonder why my ex is going with me blah blah blah more hassel than its worth. Ill get it done next month no worries. :wacko: Shouldnt worry over it, I got enough on my plate with everyday life :dry:

  4. Very nice, Ming. B)


    As a copper though, surely you don't condone the configuration of your lad's number plate. ;)


    would "honestly officer dont know how that numberplate got on my car, wasnt like that when I drove off.." be good enough to be let of in this instance :teeth::lol:

  5. How about.....the Where-was-Zedrush-when-we-were-all-having-a-great-day-in-Wales Team?



    So sorry mate see my thread worst day of my life so so sorry bout yesterday




    Nightmare, pal! Gutted for you. :scare:


    Its okay, Im teaching Thai Boxing tonight so will take my anger out on the fighters :teeth:;)

  6. Mate as i said no worries, these things happen.


    Just charge your phone next time ;)


    Next sunday is bad as i am away at the Buttertubs pass but can rearrange for the week after. Missed your call this morning as my phone was in my bag but i will call you at lunch.


    Thanks mate so sorry still, I am one of these people who hate to be late and the fact of not turning up at all was worried youd have the right hump with me. the following week definatly am free all weekend. My ex is always free on weekends so she will be there to go for a meal before had, if you have your daughter with you bring her down and go for a meal then drop her off if you want and come back for the meet.


    Did you manage to find it as all? Its not far from where you were parked? about 10 mins, you must of seenb alot of done up cars?

    A Skyline came in but went straight out again, i tried to flag him down but no luck. I ended up going home and taking more pics of my car - take a look in media section :thumbs:


    Will do mate, the plan was to meet you there and take you to truck world which aint far thats where everyone meets. Apparently there were over 200 cars there but alot seperated because police turned up to nick illegal street racing. so only 50 cars ended up staying and chatting. Last week an R34 skyline crashed and police were all over it. A Ferrari also done a burn out :thumbs:

  7. Mate as i said no worries, these things happen.


    Just charge your phone next time ;)


    Next sunday is bad as i am away at the Buttertubs pass but can rearrange for the week after. Missed your call this morning as my phone was in my bag but i will call you at lunch.


    Thanks mate so sorry still, I am one of these people who hate to be late and the fact of not turning up at all was worried youd have the right hump with me. the following week definatly am free all weekend. My ex is always free on weekends so she will be there to go for a meal before had, if you have your daughter with you bring her down and go for a meal then drop her off if you want and come back for the meet.


    Did you manage to find it as all? Its not far from where you were parked? about 10 mins, you must of seenb alot of done up cars?

  8. Okay here goes:


    First of all a big sorry for not turning up at the Wales meet, I totally forgot about it and it was only after Sarnie reminded me that I realised I told my missus id take her out on the sunday, tried to rearrange on Saturday but as SL114 knew I wasnt going to make sunday cos she had the right hump with me. (perhaps the fact that I didnt do anything special for our anniversary cos of work two weeks before has something to do with it.) :blush:


    So huge argument and I didnt end up seeing her on sunday anyway she went out shopping with her mates and told me to 'F' ing do what i like....


    So I did,(but wales was out the question so I let Sl114 on friday know that I will meet up with him)... but here comes the next part


    My car was Dropped of to my mates friday night as he was spending saturday working on it with the Mac install. Did he get round to it???? NO, hangover got the better of him and he didnt start till sunday morning. :angry:


    Now I arranged to meet with SL114 at the thurrock meet sunday night with my ex girlfriend (chinese glamour one) for a photo shoot and also to introduce him to everyone who meets up there about 100-200 cars that meet and race about 10 mins from the parking area at Lakeside.... where trucks park.


    And here where it gets worst:


    My friend Shah who is working on my car had everything out by the morning, seats and plastic dash and middle part..promised me to be finished by six. But unfortunatly with the Bose speakers the wiring was a sham. He said he needed a converter, but he could by pass this if he knew which wire was which and he could convert manually... So I called up Sl114 to see if he knew. He said go to 350z tek they might help. So went on there and downloaded the service manual for 350z audio system.... was it straight forward hell no....


    He managed after some time to figure iut the wire system and manage to put my head unit it but no mac because by this time it was 7 o'clock. I said to him I have to go because I need to pick my ex up from station as she is coming down from Rochester to meet Sl114 for photo shoot.


    Put the seats and everything back in he said he will finish off next saturday without hangover but i had sounds from headunit at least anyway, picked ex up from station and the road leading to the station was quite rough and very messy broken glass the lot. Picked her up she was in a gorgeous outfit. :thumbs:


    Time 8.30pm, started to make my way down to meet Sl114, called him up and was speaking to him then phone cut out battery dead. :headhurt: got through Dartford tunnel pulled out and started to hear a flapping noise, I pulled over, tried to put my hazard lights on but my mate forgot to switch on. Got out and yes you guessed flat tyre. Luckily enough had a ninteen inch spare spacer wheel in boot yes it fits.... So got out went to change wheel jacked up car, and the nut bolts were too big for the standered nut turner that comes with 350Z. Screaming and kicking the metal panel I started to panick. Luckily im with RAC so used her phone which is different network to mine rejected my sim car... called RAC. 20 mins and they turn up, they didnt have the right size nut turner either and said I needed a 19" to turn them..... :headhurt:


    So they said they will have to tow me back. Furiated as had images of Sl114 standing there wondering where the hell I am...


    But the tow truck could not take my car cos my car was to low, he tried and it cracked my front bumper. so had to get another truck to see if that could pick my car up from the front wheels and lift. Another 40 mins later A new one turns up. Puts the car hun with great hassel, and takes me and my ex home. Get home at 11.20pm. and lowered my car we pushed it onto my drive and some how cornering cracked a wedge of paint of the side skirt... :rant::rant::rant::rant:


    Anyway got in put my ophone on charge, emailed Sl114 as tried calling but no luck. Ex has to stay with me, if my girlfriend finds out im history. So I sleep on couch bad night wake up, cycled to Halfords this morning to get a 19 screw drive to get my wheel of,cost a fiver, took wheel of put spare on car is okay even though have a ninteen and rest are twenty.


    Drive to garage to get a new tyre as mine was fuc%ed !! They didnt have one 2 days wait. Paid £220 for the tyre will get thursday :scare:


    Drove home ex still there got ready went to work, my ex is still there as not woken up yet, my girlfrined called me told me how sorry she is and that she loves me and to see her tonight. Im at work going home luchtime to get my ex out of my place sharpish before my girlfriend thinks something dodgy is going on...



    So in short sorry to all you guy at wales meet and So so so sorry to Sl114 for last night.. I promise if you can make next sunday my ex can and ill take you for a meal before the meet, so sorry bro :thumbs:


    Heres pics of the cracks on my car got to get this sorted now:







  9. Hmm tough call am in a similar predicament to sell mine and get something else... have you taken into account servicing of both vehicles, driveway space or garaging, insurance, losing celebrity status, looking like a tw@t getting out of the elise, my opinion, for your money stick with what you got. If 80 quid a week would come in handy then cut down on something else, or pimp yourself out at the local Bingo centre, Im sure Phillis would be up for good time :teeth:;) just kidding :p

  10. Lots of talk about hardware for these 'puters, what about the software....Can someone give me a list of all the software they are running on their carputers, so I can spec out what type of machine I think would be best, cheers


    For Mac:


    os x 10.4

    Amps frontend (free download) heres link: http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/amp/924 ... lease.html


    Config X to get the resolution of the lilliput to run at 800 x 640 or 800 x 480 cant remember its about £12


    Got Itunes, DVD, iphoto, safari, windows vista +more as standard with mini mac ntel core duo


    What do you need Vista for? What Sat Nav software are you running, is this native to OS X, or do you need Windows of some sort on there somewhere?


    Just nice to look at although not many softwares running on it. I need windows still because for the sat navigation mac dont have a great software although they are bringing one out by end of summer which is meant to be as good as tom tom.


    So I bought http://www.gpsw.co.uk/details/prod3353.html to run on windows, already had a gps reciever...


    I use the mac software for everything else. If it wernt for sat nav I wouldnt car for windows.

  11. Lots of talk about hardware for these 'puters, what about the software....Can someone give me a list of all the software they are running on their carputers, so I can spec out what type of machine I think would be best, cheers


    For Mac:


    os x 10.4

    Amps frontend (free download) heres link: http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/amp/924 ... lease.html


    Config X to get the resolution of the lilliput to run at 800 x 640 or 800 x 480 cant remember its about £12


    Got Itunes, DVD, iphoto, safari, windows vista +more as standard with mini mac ntel core duo

  12. What exactly is the difference between the 03 and 04 cubby's? I just bought one, no idea if is it 03 or 04, but it does have the sliding back door, which it what I wanted. At the mo I am just hardwiring my TomTom in there, but I am seriously considering the carputer route.


    With the carputer would you recommend mac or pc? Have seen some people say they are using macs and there would appear to be a good free interface for the mac...but then i hear people running windows on the mac too, why? Is this for the navigation software or something?


    What software would you recommend on a carputer, whether it is mac or pc?


    Answers on a postcard...



    Personally but biased ~Id get a mini mac its got everything you need for a carputer, reason why we run windows on it is because it gives us access to a better sat nav system. Route 68 for mac is crap as a Navigator but with windows running you can run anything you want on it. Also the apps program on mac which is free makes the mac so much easier to deal with when driving, large icons and everything you need at your finger tips. You also if airport and bluetooth permit have access to internet everytime you park in areas where they have free internet. So you connect without wires completely free. Mainly outside Barclays Banks have pretty good airport. Tested the otherday and went on the internet fine. I was parked across the road from it.


    Also the apps program has everything you need at push of button including handsfree and internet roaming which shows you if there are any free internet stations in your vacinity.


    The 2003 cubby is better as has a bigger hole space that fits the 7" screen pefectly :thumbs::thumbs:

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