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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Monaro VXR 500 ? ? £35k new (or was) Can be made to go even faster. Service costs apparently the same as a Vectra. Likes a drink though at 17 MPG, but apparently can be improved by 3 MPG by adding the Wortec Exhaust system...although that costs about £1800.


    35k for a Vauxall Badge car??

  2. These are my thoughts...


    I think the 350z DOES cut it with most of the other cars especially the Supra, S3, RX7, S2000 and to a certain extent R34 and Cayman S. I'm sure Liam will tell you that after following the 500bhp Skyline through bala.

    The selection above are tottally different cars (hatch, coupe, 4 door saloon etc..) and it would be really up to him to test drive them and see which is best suited to him. I don't think its all about speed which is the impression i get from the above, i'd want something that excites you everytime you get in which i don't think you'll get from a S3 maybe if it was modded alittle. Anyway,,,



    Cayman S - Quality car, will hold value very well, a few modded ones about that are as fast as a 911 turbo. Slightly expensive if your modding?


    R34 - Big bills if anything goes wrong but fast standard, and can be made to go like S**t off a shovel.


    S2000 - Need a turbo or Supercharger to get any real power gains, in similar boat to 350z really. Will hold value quite well, and voted the best used car 2 years in a row.


    M12 Noble - I'd only get this if i was throwing money away. Great car but huge bills from what i've read. Not something i'd like to drive in daily, but super quick.


    RS4 - awesome car, will do everything you need of it and won't break being German. Residuals very good. Do you need much faster? Great a-b car. Naturally aspirated so will need turbo/supercharger if you want more power. Single figure mpg when pushing.


    S3 - Would be a sleeper similar to the Saab. Very easy to mod. Just check out http://www.amdtechnik.com/ I'm sure they'll have some good stuff for it soon. Expensive to buy though compared to others on this list. Will hold value quite well. Boreing to drive?


    RX7 - Still looks good today as it did on its debut. Running costs will be high. Can be tuned to over 600bhp though. Abit old me thinks.


    Supra - Again Looks great, especially some modded ones. Big power again. Showing signs of age?


    350z - Can be had for 15k now, bang a turbo on all for less money than the S3 and your flying. Looks stunning standard, and looks even better modded. Running Costs will be reasonable compared to some others on the list too.


    My top three in no particular order would be:


    Cayman S



    Anyway, modding will very rarely gain you money and quite often lose you money. So whichever car he mods, i doubt he will get it back on the resale.


    Cheers for that some good points made just hope he gets a 350z then I can nick some parts when it comes to modding... what nismo exhaust aint seen it bro honest :lol:


    and yes Lou made spelling mistake on Nurburg ring.. thanks for pointing out git ;)

  3. Okay my brother is doing my head in lately. He is in the process of selling both his cars:




    and his run around car:




    He has just sold one of 3 houses and made quite a bit, but most of that will go back into property...


    He is bored of everything and now is looking at a new car. He loves fast cars and loves subtlety and he cant decide what car to get. He wants a car he can mod a little and get some serious speed, he cant decide between the following, and his reasons why are given:


    Cayman S (do I really want to spend this much plus more on modding, no subtlety everybody will expect it too be quick, I could get something faster for cheaper, but card does hold its value, but for a bit more could get a 2nd hand 911 turbo, but same thing again)


    R34 (do I really want a car that is quite old, and also new version coming out soon but prob be overpriced for what you get)


    S2000 (supercharged might be nice but but hairdressers car and not really my style)


    M12 Noble (surprisingly quick but servicing cost is a joke and out of principle is a waste)


    Audi RS4 (fuel a joke and for what you pay there is faster)


    Audi S3 (35k there must be something better than this)


    Mazda RX7 (not bad after 70,000 mile need new engine rebuild but could keep my runaround car and use this on weekend. But too old a car)


    Supra (everything that can be done has been done, too old)


    350z (has alot of potential but not sure if it cuts it with the other choices.would not spend 20k doing up this car as did that with the Saab and all that is now wasted on the resale)


    My brother winds me up because one week he says he wants a 350z gets me to look into it then changes his mind. He has got a bit of money saved but dont want to waste it on silly things like overpriced servicing if you catch what I mean.


    Can anyone advise me what I could tell him to get, and perhaps pursuade him to get 350z. he does like them but he wants something that is quick worth its money, holds its value, something he will enjoy... hes a fussy bastard. :headhurt:


    Let us know your views :thumbs:

  4. Hi mate welcome to the club, Ive not heard of any ground clearing problems with nismo kits, if you went for a Veilside kit on the other hand you have to be very carefull, but like with anything just take speed humps carefully and drive up at an angle and u should be fine. Post up pics when you get one :thumbs:;)

  5. :rant:


    Passed a zed today on an open deserted dual carriageway. He was passing the other way. Both of us in the outside lane. I flashed. A lot. Totally blanked me. :dry: Probably ashamed of his GM paint :blush:


    Probably thought you were gay cos you were flashing him, keep your bottom to yourself :p;)

  6. I may join when they start beating up four eyed barstewards :p


    :lol: sorry for making this thread just gets to me about how people can be such idiots sometimes. I know i go on about how many immegrants come over here,and how crime has increase, but my anger is directed to the government for making us suffer by increasing taxes to support these when we cant even support ourselves with NHS hospitals and prison overloads. My anger is not against the race of the people, but individuals whos mindset are warped. Like certain Muslim parties who live here and are offended by the british flag?????? so our local councel tells us to take flags down when the world cup was on.. Does not make sense but not against muslems as a whole for a certain group does not stereotype the whole race... But these people Nazi are just plain wrong and out of line. They should be imprisoned or something, when I went in the telephone box I just couldnt believe my eyes... apart from seeing Sarnies advert for gay love :p the Nazi advert was quite disturbing and made me wanna grab hold of one and smash em to bits for their ignorance

  7. Took off link, ;)


    sorry for bringing this up but was mentioned on another thread and reminded me of last saturday up London in a phone box was an advertising for this group and I just dont get what fuels racism in such a sense. I mean if they wanted to get rid of other ethnics, I would have to leave for one, but then they would have to redirect there rage and turn on themselves. So those who wore glasses would probably be next on the list. Just dont understand what fuels them to have such beliefs

  8. :scare::scare: Ah damn it I got it confused thought it was this one for sale:


    http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... ht=baptist


    my bad, want one that has got crazy mods sorry Phil lovely gorgeous looking car though... my bad


    Baptist if you wake up one day and have a crazy plan to sell your 350z under 30k (probably too cheap considering what you done to it) pm me bro :thumbs:


    You been on the pop at lunch, lad? ;)


    guilty had a diet coke :lol:

  9. At the risk of being linched heres my take on the topic. When I see private plates I always think one of two things;

    1 There to hide the age of the car cos your bothered what the neighbours think

    2 There to bolster the owner’s perception that it makes the car and hence the driver look cool, ie your sad person


    However the real sad thing is, in quite a lot of cases, the letters/numbers only mean something to the owner. To the rest of the world there just a set of letters and numbers. A guy in the street has ----TOM. Well I guess his names TOM then, big deal??

    Ok, you could argue its fun, but when these things cost £00 and quite often £000 it all seems such a waste to me. If it enhanced the look or performance then I would agree.



    Be careful mate, they can mean more.


    My Nan left me just £250 that she'd saved for me when she died. I bought the plate to remember her. :)


    And 90% of people at work said the Zed looked better when I'd transferred it from my old car, for what it's worth.


    Very good point H5 :thumbs: plus really nice thing you done there too.



    IMO Nothing wrong with private plates for whatever reason. If I buy prada shoes over clarks its a personal preference. We all make similar choices whether its on private plates or on the colour to paint our walls. It s a personal not a sad issue. And if we work hard why not spend in such delights. Its what makes us individuals which is what we strive for in a competative society either to get noticed or in H5 case sentimental.


    And individuality is important in a postmodenistic world. its what makes you...you

  10. My cam belt sometimes makes a whine but nothing major just where its dry which happens alot on cars. not aircon fan... you should get that checked out, probably nothing

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