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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. I used to be nicknamed "The Tank" by my football team mates way back when I was at school and it's just stayed with me. After living in France for a while, I came back with an added bit of European flair to my game and my name changed to "Le Tank"! (Ok, so I lied about the flair! ;) )


    The 87 part was only added so I could get an ebay account and that represents the year that my football team won the greatest FA cup final ever!!! :#1::teeth:


    Ah je suis tres content qu'il y a un autre person qui peut parler francais. C'est dommage que je ne suis pas bon quand j'essaye d'ecrire francais. :teeth:


    You wot? :wacko:;)


    Sorry ill put my french dictionary away, trying to sound interlectrical :lol:

  2. I used to be nicknamed "The Tank" by my football team mates way back when I was at school and it's just stayed with me. After living in France for a while, I came back with an added bit of European flair to my game and my name changed to "Le Tank"! (Ok, so I lied about the flair! ;) )


    The 87 part was only added so I could get an ebay account and that represents the year that my football team won the greatest FA cup final ever!!! :#1::teeth:


    Ah je suis tres content qu'il y a un autre person qui peut parler francais. C'est dommage que je ne suis pas bon quand j'essaye d'ecrire francais. :teeth:

  3. Hya guys,


    I've seen many different user names all over the forum. I thought it would be cool to have a thread where people explained what their names stood for and/or why they chose it. Something different, but some of the responses could be very interesting.


    For me I chose Zedrush cos i love 350Z and Im always in a rush...


    Wow, interesting right? I know. :blush::headhurt:


    Come on lets have your responses.. especially Sarnie and Sl114



  4. Got you, you dont really need a pro shooter as you have all the equipment you need there to get good shots. what you need is someone who knows how to light things and make it look good that way. Once that is done, the pictures will be easy.


    I see what you are saying so would you be interested in doing the lifestyle shots?

  5. Hi does anybody know of a decent photographer who is willing to be paid on a daily charge. I have a kind of studio very good size and backdropping and a very expensive digital camera its a Canon EOS 20D http://www.canon.co.uk/eos20d/ have a macro and micro lens. Have lighting just need a good photographer or decent one to take pics for a catalogue and can get to south east london. Will probably take 3 days in total preferably sundays.Will have all the models ready from 10 am till about 4 pm


    Pm me or respond on this thread cheers all.


    Would need to start in May sometime. Will pay cash

  6. Sammy :wub:


    Met her as well B)


    Sarnie you are one lucky mutha. Sammy is a major babe.


    She used to date David Dunn who used to play for Birmingham City who was a friend of mine :)


    So are you the mate who wont date an ex of a friend or would you make an exception for Sammy if she made a move?


    If she made a move i'm sure Mrs Sarnie would intercept with government issue cs gas :blush:



  7. Sammy :wub:


    Met her as well B)


    Sarnie you are one lucky mutha. Sammy is a major babe.


    She used to date David Dunn who used to play for Birmingham City who was a friend of mine :)


    So are you the mate who wont date an ex of a friend or would you make an exception for Sammy if she made a move?

  8. The M3 drug dealers will weight 3 years until prices drop, the new one is awesome, and would kick the arse performance wise out of a s/c zed


    Na round my way drug dealers either get the following ~Brandnew and tinted windows:


    Sports Rangerover Jeeps with chrome wheels

    Z5 Jeeps with chrome wheels


    M3 in blue or black or yellow convertable and yes you guessed chrome wheels.


    Its a well known thing round my way thats why the police always stop em.


    Hard working honest tax payers who work their butts off get:




    But money aint everything, and it certainly wont bring you happiness if it becomes your main obsession in life. Just enjoy whilst you have it. ;)

  9. I love it Sarnie.......suits you sir!!!!!



    Anyone of you experts fancy making me a decent sig, my pics are in photbucket.... I'm a retard at doing stuff like this. :teeth::teeth:

    creep creep


    who's that on your avatar dave ??


    Probably got this all wrong - but it looks like the kid off the Sixth Sense


    Correct :thumbs:


    Hence the sig quote :)


    Ah yes, that one passed me by :blush: Like your new sig sarnie B)


    Its going soon ;)


    You selling up so soon?? :p


    The bread rolls have gone stale now so i'm unsure what to do now so its going :D


    Sell it Zedrush as a money laundering operation :teeth:


    So first Im a Gay Pimp and now a drug lord you lot are giving me an identity crises ;)

  10. Yeh I think scooby is chav but will show him it. Plus they need service every 7000miles. M3 around my area are for plastic gangsters. I think 350z is his best option get it, nismo kit it, and then the supercharge and then he will have an impressive car. Otherwise I think he is looking for something he will never ever find.


    With that money, me personally if I had his ambition, I would get two cars one for track, like an atom :teeth: and one for run around like keeping the audi A3 :yawn:

  11. 2004 Jag XKR?

    Range Roversport?

    BMW 6 series?

    TVR Sagaris? - yeah ok not an everyday car

    Audi Q7?

    Ferrari 550?

    Corvette C6?



    Lol he just looked at that list and went GAY!


    He said he want track day and everyday, coupe fast but not to expensive and not over the top on petrol.. I think 350z is his best option, in a non biased opinion. :blush:

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