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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Am not gonna lie to you jay, i often dont read your posts :p;) Listen am sure she is lol, i wouldnt wanna mess with her anyway. Well least one of your relatives can protect you buddy :boxing::lol:


    PMSL :lol: well yeh I know, I make it a general rule that I would never ever hit a girl under any circumstances, so I need someone like her to hit you for me :p:lol:;)

  2. Yeh but u hav 2 admit, for a fighter who is all about fitness, u think she wuld hav abs :blush: Nix am fussy, you should know this ;)


    Lol did you read my first post bro, she is just getting back off injury, she has been of for 4 months, she is losing it now :lol: But yeh she is an amazing fighter, she is the first lady to win ringmasters, and also fought over in Thailand and K.O'd 2 of her fighters over there, very talented B)

  3. Hi guys I know some of you are waiting for my free training DVD, wont be long now I promise, been practicing recording with the camera and editing as still new to this, did this of two fighters one as some of you know already, she's is out of season resting from injury so carrying a bit of weight but its coming down now. What you guys think. The training DVD is very similar in look, dark background



  4. Pah,


    If I put in false claims to an employer I would have been sacked and most likely prosecuted for fraud or theft or both.


    They do the very same thing and get off scott free by saying "oops sorry it was a mistake, Ill pay it back".


    What sort of two faced system are we running here.


    If I provided myself with a TV through work and used it for anything other than work related business, then it would be classes as a benefit in kind, and be subject to tax.


    Yet they seem perfectly able to claim for all sorts of items which are obviously going to be used as personal items at a second home and they are not classed as benefits, or taxed.


    Its a bloody joke.


    Mind you it shows just what a shambles of a tax system we have when the man running the show has to pay for an accountant to do his own return. (yet the rules state you arent allowed to claim expenses for accountacy fees in relation to your own affairs)


    Yet he expects small businesses owners to do their own (or pay for it out of their own pocket), do their corporation tax returns, and if they dont have the funds in on time they impose fines! Yet these muppets can get expenses wrong for years without any fines or charges what so ever.


    Makes my blood boil




    :lol::lol::lol: Im so with you on this, Im having a KFC today, and also getting a massage from a gorgeous lady too, of course its work related... honest :lol: I think I now qualify to be an mp :lol:

  5. And if its for company use, you also need to factor in the difference in benefit in kind when comparing the diesel to the petrol. This is where there is an advantage over petrol cars, as the system is emissions based.


    Though shortly, thanks to Mr Darling, the gap starts to close again due to the emissions escalator on company car taxes.


    Along with the new writing down rules for cars purchased outright by a company, the whole thing becomes even more complex.


    Boo down with Darling and labour altogether :angry:


    Shouldnt they be throwing all the mp's who fiddled tax in prison soon?

  6. Going to see him in July cant wait. I studied a little of NLP but I am still in awe of how he does some of the things he carries out on stage like the oracle trick. Anyone else going to see him or have any idea how he does some of the stuff he does like on evening of Wonders? AMAZING!!!


    This cracked me up, its the only one I know how he did lol :blush:


  7. Hahaha Alan! He was in the shocking film What Happens in Vegas.

    "Why are you peppering the steak?"

    "Tigers love pepper... they hate cinnamon."


    "I always wondered why they were called roofies. Cause you're more likely to end up on the floor than the roof. They should call em floories. "

    "Or rapies"


    "No, it's a satchel... Indiana Jones has one."


    "Yeah, you know what, next weekend's no good. The Jonas Brothers are in town. "


    "Counting cards isn't illegal. It's frowned upon... like masturbating on an airplane. "


    Stu: “She is wearing my grandmother’s Holocaust ring.â€

    Alan: “I didn’t know they gave out rings at the Holocaust.â€


    Alan: I wrote something out, I just wanted to say a few things.

    takes out paper


    We’re blood brothers!!!

    I just added two more people into my wolf pack



  8. Having worked in the motorcycle industry and ridden some very powerful, nay silly bikes, raced, certainly wouldn't pick that as an ideal first bike. Find something more suitable powerwise to start with until your competent on the bike. We'd prefer not to see any Scarrush posts. ;)


    :lol: but I need a facelift anyway lol, thanks all for the input, well am booking direct access today, if I like it as never ridden before ill buy a bike but want a bike that looks good but one I get learn on. I was speaking to a mate last night and he was saying that when you ride a bike it actually makes you a better driver because you become more aware of your surroundings. He said there is little things like slippery road markings and bump and manhole covers you got to be careful of is this true? Also can you get automatic superbikes or triptronics or paddle shift like you get on cars?

  9. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:



    Forget it Jay :headhurt:


    :blush: I can ride a mountain bike cant be that much more too it, I had an R1 as a present when I was 21 from my godfather but I gave it away as never rode it just looked at it and it sat in my garage, now I think be fun to have one :blush:

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